
Our son is 7. he has has trouble with his focusing on school wrk, and some behavioral issues,?

by Guest33765  |  earlier

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he does have a bit more energy than most kids, at school he can become very frustrated at himself if he loses his "track of thought" he is very smart, and his own worst critic. He is 7 yrs old and going to the 2nd grade. Already he says how he hates school, wants to quit, because he CANT stay focused and keep from doing things he knows he shouldnt do. And gets angry cuz he cant stop himself. I spoke with his dr. and we agreed on a small dose of 5mg, once in the morning befor school on school days only. And I dont know if it makes a diiference or not this fast, But only 2days of taking it, He had GRT days. No trouble. He NEVER says he has a good day. But my husband found them flushed them and he has ordered the dr not to let him take them. He gets angry, no discussion. His kid isnt gonna be drugged up. I want to help my son like school. No 7yr old should hate school! Any help on treatment alternatives, or ways to make hm understane that YEA his son needs help with this mild case of ADHD




  1. I think he has ADD. Don't worry, lot's of kids have it.

  2. Hi Speed, two things you can do are:

    (1) read this article and give its suggestions a try:

    (2) If your son is not active in physical exercises, encourage him to take up one and do it on a REGULAR basis.

    Studies have shown that regular exercises and eating right (while avoiding junk food) helps in learning and behaviour problems.

    I wish your son good health and a bright future.

  3. There is a lot of kids that hate school to this day it is just a thing that they go through.. but if the doctor didn't think it was necessary for your son to take them pills he wouldn't give it to you.. you can try to explain the issue with your husband or if he is that type that don't listen then take him to the doctor and let the doctor explain it to him.. or just get some more of the pills and give them to your son and just don't tell him about it..if you don't care enough to help his son then he must not care at all.

  4. found this article online.  Hope it helps.

  5. He does seem to have a mild case of ADHD. In young kids it's hard, and the kids are so frustrated. The best thing to do is keep them busy. As for the medication, you need to sit down with your husband. Address his fears, with out him asking.  Your husband fear is his energize boy is going to turn into this person who sits down, stares straight ahead and only moves/ speaks when told to. Explain to him that his son is not going to be a zombie. All the medication is doing is stabilizing his hormones, and in such a small dose it is not addicting or harmful. Let him know that it will only be used on school days, not at home, on weekends, vacations, nothing more then school days. Also remind him that school days are only 1/3-1/4 of the year. It seems longer but there are no more then 150-200 days in a year. Thats a lot of time your son will NOT be on the medication. Most of all remember, daddies love there sons and the idea that anything is wrong with them scares them to death, and because they never talk about it, it vestures inside.

  6. As someone who used to work with this population of students one of the important things is the diet. Parents of students that were hyper-active packed lunches of chips, candy, soda etc... you get the picture.

    Also has he been tested for dyslexia? If he's having trouble reading that may be a reason for his frustration at school.

    One of the things we had success with is that we put a stopwatch on the student and timed him doing his work. Once he stopped we recorded the time and kept working towards having longer periods of "focus" time.

    But definitely he should be tested for dyslexia.

    Good luck!

  7. 5mg of what? You don't mention the drug. I'm assuming Adderall, Concerta or Ritalin. None are wise choices for a younger child. There's no long-term research and giving drugs to an otherwise healthy little kid is not a good message to send. Raising a drug-filled child only perpetuates this unnatural approach to problem solving. The medications are great for controlling his behavior but do you feel good about controlling a 7 year old through drugs? Do you realize that 15 years ago, kids sat through entire days with no problems and no medication? The ones with problems had unstable homes. I can't recall second grade as being filled with overactive kids in dire need of sedation. I do remember the one or two rebellious boys who were disciplined and served as an example of how not to raise a child...

    This is environmental, I can assure you. Be it too much electronics growing up, too little attention from his parents (BOTH parents), not enough recess, unhealthy diet, boring teachers, poor public school, or anything from a host of other reasons...your kid needs to be examined as a whole entity, not just some restless 7 year old.

  8. So many times ADD is over diagnoised.  Please try the dietary changes recommend and make sure he is sleeping.  At 7, kids still need way more sleep than they are given.  An overtired child always shows signs of hyperactivity because they are overstimulated.  Many parents believe that if you keep a child up it will make them sleep longer.  Usually that is not the case and it backfires and starts a downward spiral. Read "you, the manual" which will tell you what foods to try for your child and "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child" which breaks down sleep patterns by age.  I have had my daughter on sleep schedule since birth and I truly believe that is part of what makes her such a well adjusted, smart child.  Western docs will always push meds and sometimes they are necessary but it doesn't hurt to try other things before having a child of 7 face a lifetime of meds.

  9. For non-med alternative strategies get the book "The myth of ADD" by Armstrong

    Also talk with the psychologist at the school to set up a behavior plan, or possible 504 to reinforce him staying on task

    Maybe get a second opinion by a neurologist and have your husband go to

  10. I understand how you feel, and also your son. It appears as if he has ADD or ADHD (being hyperactive). The best thing I would suggest is addressing what it is that make's it soo hard and difficult for him by learning more about ADD. Go online to, there they have a magazine tailored for adult's and children who have ADD and how to approach it in a positive and upbuilding light. No matter what don't give up, and remind him that there is nothing wrong with him. Because in reality there is nothing wrong with him, he just sees the world differently and has to learn how to deal with problems in a way that makes sense to him. Plus, medication is not the only way. You can also change his eating habit by adding more fruits and vegetables and lots of OMEGA-3 DHA. This stimulates brain activity and makes you sharp. Plus, being that your son will have to be taking the medication's he should be in the discussion before it is given to him. (Believe me, I am one of those people who believe that kid's should do as they are told, but this is one of those exceptions.) Contact me if you need anymore help.

    P.S. I forgot to add that you should take away articifial everything from his diet (ie. soda, chips, etc.) these have added contents which lack nutrients and only make it more difficult. For more info also go to and put in ADD in the search field. That shoud give you alot of information.

    In response to what the first guy wrote, no doctors don't know everything. And just because a medication is provided doesn't mean that it is necessary. Medication now a days is a short solution at times to something that a person can learn how to live with. Medication is not the only option. It's not wrong, but again IT IS NOT THE ONLY OPTION. It is your families decision. If you decline that option, use the other ones available, diet and exercise.

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