
Our thermostat is set to 73 but it's still warm in the house.?

by  |  earlier

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We have two thermostats and both are set to 73 only to try and cool the house down. Unfortunately, it's still not cool. One AC unit controls the two spare rooms as well as the master. We have closed all the vents upstairs except for one vent in the master and one in the spare (someone is occupying it) The Master freezes with just one small vent open, yet the spare room is hardly getting any air. Sometimes, it's even hot in the master, as this is even when the stat reads 73. We can't figure it out. Our electric bills are running approx. $350 / month. Yet there are homes in the area that keep the stat on 80, it's nice and cool in the house, and their bill doesn't exceed $150.00 Can someone help!!!




  1. You need to have your ducts to the rooms checked out. sounds like you might have some broken ducts which are dumping the cold air off in the attic rather than conducting it to the rooms where it belongs.

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