
Our three-dimensional world?

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We live in a three-dimensional world. Things have height and width and length. In a two-dimensional world, life is different. You never ask a child how tall he or she is, or even which way is up. The clouds never gather overhead, and a little rain doesn't necessarily fall. If you remove a dimension from your world, what would it look like? How would sports be different? If there were no up or down, what would pineapple upside down cake taste like?




  1. Life as we know it would be impossible. For example, if you had a creature with a digestive tract they'd just fall into two pieces — or dispose of digested food through their mouth, which is pretty gross.

    Besides, our world is NOT three-dimensional, it has at least four (you forgot time) and string theory implies there may be as many as thirteen dimensions.

  2. well your queries are really wild and unique, But grossly opposing fundamental laws. As for the dimensions according to common perception there are just three, length, width and depth. Einstein added fourth dimension viz. time. later one by one dimensions were added according to various theories. latest is 13 dimensions proposed by String theory. But this string theory itself raisis many questions and who knows some day more dimensions would be added....

  3. Dimensions indeed are human interpretations. Gravity is mainly responsible for upside/downside kind of sense.

    alternatively, think of a "how far" concept.

    how far is each atom(or anything smaller) of an object from you?

    and in which direction?

    instead of measuring "volume"(length,width,height) of that whole object.

    you see, distance is one dimension. and direction is the other.

  4. 1.

    We live in a three-dimensional world. Things have height and width and length.

    In a two-dimensional world, life is different……………………….

    If you remove a dimension from your world, what would it look like?


    As for the dimensions according to common perception there are just three,  length, width and depth. Einstein added fourth dimension viz. time. later one by one dimensions were added according to various theories. Latest  is 13 dimensions proposed by String theory. But this string theory itself  raisis many questions and who knows some day more dimensions would be added....


    Dimensions indeed are human interpretations

    My opinion.

    It began in 1905 when Einstein created SRT,

    (theory of photon/electron’s behaviour).

    Minkowski, tried to understand SRT using 4D space.

    Poor young Einstein, reading Minkowski’s interpretation,

    said, that now he couldn’t understand his own theory.

    “ Einstein, you are right, it is difficult to understand SRT

    using 4D space. But it is possible using my 5D space”

    - said Kaluza in 1921.

    This theory was tested and found insufficient.

    “Well”, said another mathematicians, - “maybe 6D, 7D,

    8D, 9D spaces will explain it”. And they had done it.

    But the doubts still remain.

    “OK”,they say, “we have only one way to solve this problem.

    We must create more complex D spaces”.

    And they do it, they use all their power, all their super intellects

    to solve this problem.

    Glory to these mathematicians !!!!


    But there is one problem.

    To create new D space, mathematicians must add a new parameter.

    It is impossible to create new D space without a new parameter.

    And the mathematicians take this parameter arbitrarily

    (it fixed according to his opinion, not by objective rules).

    The physicist, R. Lipin explained this situation in such way:

    “Give me three parameters and I can fit an elephant.

    With four I can make him wiggle his trunk…”

    To this Lipin’s opinion it is possible to add:

    “with one more parameter the elephant will fly.”

    The mathematicians sell and we buy these theories.

    Where are our brains?

    Please remember, many D spaces were born as a wish

    to understand SRT (theory of photon/electron’s behaviour).

    But if someone wants to understand, for example, a bird

    (photon/electron)itself and for this he studies only

    its surroundings, will he be successful?



    I read what string theory acts in 11- D space.

    But if we don't know what 1+1 = 2

    how can we know what 5+4 = 9 ?

    And if we don't know what is 4-D negative space

    ( 4-D positive Mincowski space )

    how can we understand 11-D space ( string theory) ?


    If I were a king, I would publish a law:

    every mathematician who takes part in the creation

    of 4D space and higher is to be awarded a medal

    “To the winner over common sense”.


    Because they have won us over using the

    absurd ideas of Minkowski and Kaluza.


    I think this 4-D negative space is a real one.  

    I think this space is Vacuum.


    1.“ Minkowski space “ has no gravity field, but has negative parameter.

    2. Only  pure Vacuum space has no gravity

    but has negative parameter : T= - 273= 0K.

    3. The negative parameter is united with space/ time , which are

    joined  together absolutely and this unit we can see in Vacuum .

    4. And the second  SRT postulate tells about constant moving

    light quanta in Vacuum.

    5. It is impossible SRT to be the right theory

    and space around SRT to be an abstract theory.

    6. If in our brain abstract and real ideas are mixed together

    then the interpretation of physics must be paradoxical.


    Now mathematics goes ahead of science and physics follows it.

    Mathematicians carry the posters

    “Forward to abstraction”, “Forward to the absurd”

    and we all follow them. We march bravely on the dinosaur’s path.


  5. Start with the last first.  Did you mean what does it taste like going down or coming up?  Realize that if you are two dimensional, your digestive tract couldn't go through you or there would be two of you.  So anything that goes down must come back up the same way.

    That's just the start of the weirdness.  All the basic forces of physics are now confined to two dimensions.  Electrical forces, which would conduct the taste of whatever you ate to your brain are now restricted to 2 dimensions so they might be stronger.  Gravity is even stranger.  Some people say that gravity may be so weak in comparison to the other forces of nature because it is dispersed over more dimensions, ones that we can't see.  I guess that makes the real question, how many dimensions are there in this universe?  Einstein added a fourth, time.  Some physicists are now working with eight or twelve or thirteen .  The problem in working with that many dimensions is that it is really hard to distinguish what might be from what really is.

    Now think about just how well balanced all those forces have to be for you to enjoy watching a cloud, play sports or make a pineapple upside down cake.  If the forces of fusion, which powers the sun and gives our planet virtually all its energy, were just a little stronger, stars would blow themselves up.  If they were just a little weaker, the stars couldn't keep burning at all.  If gravity were stronger in comparison to the forces that hold the molecules of our bodies together, we would all be puddles of ooze, unable to appreciate much of anything.  If gravity were weaker, then the hydrogen that powers the sun's fusion would combine with other stuff in the sun and no fusion would occur so again, no life.  It has been said that when you look at the balance of all the forces out there, the likelihood of a universe where life could exist are about the same as a tornado going through a junkyard and building an airplane.  Some say that this means that we must have been created by some very powerful , intelligent being and that the number of dimensions and the strength of the forces of nature were all set precisely so that we could exist, so that you could watch the rain, play sports, enjoy pineapple upside down cake or perhaps take a minute or two now and then to thank the Creator for this wonderful universe.

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