
Our town used diesel on all the streets in town for weeds, how long is it dangerous?

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Our town used diesel on all the streets in town for weeds, how long is it dangerous?




  1. Diesel fuel is not as toxic as gasoline, depending on the type of diesel used. The more harmful chemicals, benzene, etc, typically evaporate more quickly, especially when you spread it around. After a short time in the open, depending on the climate, the diesel will degrade. In a temperate climate, I'd say not more than one year, however if diesel fuel soaked into the soil and/or groundwater, the affects will be much longer lasting.

  2. I would highly agree with Mike,  Let EPA know what is going on.  

  3. I'm sure the EPA would love to here from you.

    What moron would use diesel fuel in weed prevention.

    Can you say "run off " into the local streams and hence your reservoir's and drinking water

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