
Our ultrasound technician said "she" the other day during an ultrasound, but we don't want to know the s*x. ?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think she slipped up and told us the s*x accidentally, or just uses "she" as a generic term for the baby?

We had a different ultrasound tech about 5 weeks ago say "his little hands". so we're confused at this point.




  1. Well just look at it llike this on e of them could have messed up yes, but who??????????/ so it's still a suprise!!!! if you still dont want to know!

    My friend did'nt want to know what the s*x was either, and after she had the baby they just let her hold it for a bit, and when she asked what it was they looked at her like aliens, and this was like 3 hours after the birth! they never acctually told her untill them beacuse they though she new lo,l =D not really the same iknow but hey!!!!!


  2. You want the ultrasound technicians to refer to your child as 'it'?

    It's an ingrained habit of seeing the ultrasound image and saying what you see. Maybe she did slip up, but you'll never know, so you still don't know it for sure. You can't change the s*x so it what does it matter anyway?

  3. Maybe they just said that like how they do in baby books and websites telling you info about the weeks you are. I guess you just have to wait till the baby comes to know for sure. But I am not sure if they gave it away or was just saying his/she instead of it if they knew not to give it away.  

  4. Well now your driving yourself nuts wondering! So in the end you don't know. If you read baby articles you'll notice they use "she" for some and "he" for others. So it could very well be a generic term. So keep guessing, you won't know until "she's" here! Congrats!

  5. So either way, you still dont know...  

  6. They were probably just using the gender that they use to describe all fetuses, most people dont like to call a baby 'it'. I always refered to mine as 'they' and people would say 'what! are you having twins?' pfft. Just know that you don't know why they said it, and at least you have heard both sexes being used, so you have no idea, just the way you want it : )

  7. i think its just a term there most probably using/ which they shouldnt. but the only thing you can do if you dont want to no the s*x is ignore it

  8. lmbo.

    talk about confused.

    well u don't know the s*x.

    just wait until it comes.

    don't go by nothing right now.

    least you don't know

    good luck!!

  9. Well it could be that she slipped up or that is just what she says.. I know I call most things he so maybe she calls them she.. Either way it will be a surprise since one said he and one said she.  

  10. You say you don't want to know the s*x of the baby, then why do you worry when they say she or his little hands. I think it is only that they have to use either her hands or his hands even if they don't want to say he or she and can just say the baby moves his or her hands.

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