
Our washer will fill up with water and then won't start because it drains the water before hand-can u help us

by  |  earlier

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we have this washer in our basement and the washer fills up but then drains before it gets to start. it does this over and over so we are trying to figure out what's wrong, how to fix it and how much it will cost? if anyone has any fixer-up knowledge about this, we'd appreciate it greatly.




  1. Check the level of your drain hose.  The hose must be higher than the inside tub of the machine.  If the hose is not higher than the tub the water will start to siphon out of the machine emptying the tub.  When the siphon stops the machine will fill up again.  Just raise the bend in the hose higher than the tub and everything will be fine.

  2. Time to replace the timer.

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