
Our whole family loves rides but our 7 year old girl does not. how?

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well, we are very frustrated by this because last year she loved rides and when she talked to her gramma about it, my mom told her how scary that was that she rode those rides and freaked her out. She loved riding until this happened and now you can't even get her on a merry go round. She made such a strong impression on her, and I don't know how to go back and fix this.




  1. Leave the kid alone; she doesn't like the rides so respect that. She's not making you loo a fool; you are for not listening to her! Perhaps she doesn't want to go to the theme park with you because she can't see the point in spending the day hanging about waiting for you to go on everything while she's bored out of her skull. What's wrong with asking her for some suggestions and all going somewhere else? Failing that, send her round here. I can't stand the stupid pointless rides either; I'll take her somewhere interesting like an art gallery or a museum.

  2. maybe there is something wrong

  3. If you force her to go on a ride, you're going to traumatize her.

    Why did you have kids if you don't want to look foolish in public? It's unavoidable.

  4. Don't make her ride. If you were there with a friend who didn't want to ride, you would make a big deal would you? She needs to same respect, and given time and allowed to go at her pace, she will probably enjoy them later.

    We have had the same issues with both of our daughters, dh and I just take turns riding with the other kids.

  5. Don't make her ride.

  6. You should tell her how FUN the rides are and what she's missing! "cause then she will know she's missing out on the fun.

  7. You let her judge for herself, if she doesn't want to, it's not a big deal.  You may have to have someone stay with her while you ride but so what.  Why does she have to try them?  I don't like rides, so I just sit and watch everyone else and yes even that is fun.

    If she was afraid of a snake, would you make her pick one up?

    If she was afraid of water, would you throw her in the pool?

    My guess is probably not, rides are the same.

  8. Lots of kids have irrational fears ... just because they're irrational doesn't make them not real.  The point of a ride is to be fun, so if she's terrified, it's not going to be fun ... and you may as well let her do something else.  It's not as if it's something she has to force herself to get used to.

    I have a really serious fear of heights.  Not even a fear ... a terror.  I know it's irrational, but it's overpowering.  I'd rather put my hand in a flame than go on a ferris wheel.  If somebody tried to force me in the spirit of having fun, I'd be screaming, too.  She's just a kid and will likely grow out of it if you don't make it a big deal.  If she starts developing more fears, then raise it with your pediatrician.

  9. Okay with the last bit of info you've added I've changed my opinion of what to do about this a bit. Before I would've said to leave the kid alone. There are tons of people who don't enjoy rides and live perfectly fine lives without ever having to go on them.

    But you said that she previously enjoyed them until the Grandma scared her by saying they were dangerous or something like that. Have you had a talk with her just one on one about the things her grandmother said to her? Not during a heated discussion about which rides she should ride the next time you go to the amusement park of course. But sometime when it's low stress just have a quiet little conversation about it. Something Grandma said must've scared the c**p out of your little one.

    Once you find out then I'd read up on phobias and how to treat them. However if this is the only fear your child has it really isn't or shouldn't be that much of a priority to you. If you find this child has lots of phobias then maybe you should look into the possibility of an anxiety disorder. I may totally be jumping the gun here but just want to throw that out there.

    Like I said though if it's just a fear of rides, well who really cares? If the child decides later in life it's something she cares enough about to conquer the fear than so be it. If not, well...who cares.

    And I don't know why you are so concerned about what you look like when your child is afraid at the amusement park. The people in line probably think you do look like fools for trying to make a child do something that's not neccessary and that they're afraid of. Just take turns switching off with your spouse and let the child chill out and have a good time her own way.

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