
Our world now!?

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do u think that our world is going to h**l in a hand basket?

give me you thoughts? thing we can do to save our planet before it is too late!




  1. On the contrary, I believe we're only progressing. Right now the world is a in a rut as a society, but we as humans have managed to get stuck in many ruts throughout our history. But I don't think anyone can reasonably say we're headed for h**l in a hand basket. I agree there are many issues in the world that need more attention than they're currently getting, but that doesn't inheritently mean humanity is in any more trouble than before. We have technology now; our tools wielded by the ambitious can fix that.

    What we often forget is that we're still animals, and the whole world is our habitat. It’s in our bestial nature to compete when space and resources begin to diminish and very often face off over the bigger picture, since we can understand that too. So although there may be some question to what we're going to use for fuel and what will happen when there are too many off us. Don't let the radical statistics blind you to reality.

    It’s in our nature to believe we are the last; ‘everything is only going down hill from here’. But that’s simply a way of engaging ourselves into something real, like a world disaster film only for real, almost like role playing we're going to end and it is out duty to save humanity before it destroys itself. However, what the people who believe such don't realize our technology and abilities have never been greater. We have technology that only a short decade ago would have been seen as science fiction. Our knowledge and understanding is far beyond what is has ever been, although our wisdom has seen better days. We also have global communication and shared information, which may bring tears to our eyes when we something wrong of unfair, but being able to communicated globally is what will get humanity out of its rut.

    The world has its problems: that is a fact. But its always had problems, the climate has shifted countless times, many species have come and gone, humanity has fought and loved for eons, and now we question ourselves of what will we do with our ill planet, the answer is, give it some medicine. So when people become the change they want to see in the world, they spoon feed cure to the world. We as people have an amazing ability to be innovative in tough spots. Many of us might be blind to the future and have totally Western ideals and passions, but no matter what it only takes a handful of people to change the world. So instead of whining and b!tching about the worlds problems, get up and fix them.

  2. One of the most significant things any of can do is just as you asked, what can we do before it's too late. This statement alone separates you from those who will simply let it go. Need more like you, thanks.

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  3. Yes, no, and maybe.

    The planet is one tough lady and she's not giving up the ghost without a fight.  I think we're starting to come to our senses, and though there are so many terrible things happening to the people of so many nations, and the environment is straining against the load we're also doing research and acquiring and preserving lands and figuring out how ecotourism and sustainability can help pull us through.

    Save the planet?  In the words of Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
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