
Out of King Henry the 8th; six wifes who do you think was the most promising queen?

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me personally might be ann boylen

....she did give birth to elizabeth and very strong leader

also its says the queen cherished her more

though catherine of aragon is strongly up there




  1. Without a doubt Anne of Cleves, she knew how to keep her head.

  2. Probley Anne Boleyn because she's the only wife that gets her own section on his Wiki

  3. Catherine of Aragon - a woman of intelligence, character and courage.  And had she stayed queen, England might still be Catholic.

  4. How do you define "promising"?  Smart? Good wife?  Good mother?  properly royal?  Interesting?  Powerful?  

    Do you find anything odd in the suggestion that one queen is better than the others because of the kid she had?  Kind of demotes them to baby factories, don't you think?

  5. I have to day Katherine of Aragon and Katherin Parr are the leading contenders.   Both were strong and independent-minded and both stuck by their guns (and the King's guns when they ran the Kingdom in his absence) and both were strong devotees of their religions.   However, Katherine Parr was perhaps the more politically astute and managed to "Manage" her husband in a way none of her predecessors did.   Shame that she was less successful in that role with her fourth husband.

  6. jane seymore she had her roots with the more common people so therefore undestood their needs better

  7. Catherine of Aragon was by far the most politically minded of the 6 queens and most powerful of the 6.  She did intially have great control over Henry, but this waned.  

    Anne Boleyn is the most famous mainly because she was mother of elizabeth I, had 6 fingers (apparently) and was beheaded.

    Jane Seymour was Henry's favourite wife, mainly because she was his wife for a short period and beared him a son.

    Anne of Cleves was notoriously ugly and probably very useless.

    Katherine Howard was a short-lived life and was made shorter by the axe.

    Catherine Parr is the only other contender.  She was quite powerful and brought up all of Henry's children well.  She managed to calm the turbulent leader and outlive him.

    So my order of most promising queen is:

    Catherine of Aragon

    Catherine Parr

    Jane Seymour

    Anne Boleyn

    Katherine Howard

    Anne of Cleeves.

  8. Catherine of Aragon was the most promising Queen (she was the only one who was also a Princess as well). Anne Boleyn was the most ambitious (though not the best by far), Catherine Howard was the dumbest, Catherine Parr was the luckiest, and Jane was probably the unluckiest.

  9. either anne boleyn or catherine of aragon. read phillipa gregory's books on the boleyns- they're really good!


    all of henry the eight's wives have a page on wiki (in response to the suggestion in the first answer that only anne boleyn does.

  10. I vote for Catherine of Aragon first, Anne Boleyn second.

  11. Catherine of Aragon.

    Ann Boleyn as much as she's a charismatic character, she was not much of a queen, was she?

  12. I think all of his queens had promise, but Catherine of Aragon actually ran the country for a while when he was at war. She was born a princess, and had some idea how to run a country if needed. She was also bright and loyal. Disclosure: She is my favorite of all of Henry's queens, although all of them had their virtues.

  13. Since Ann, Jane, Katherine Howard, and Catherine Parr were all manipulated and controlled by their male relatives seeking power (the Howards and Seymours), that leaves only Catherine of Aragon and Anne of Cleves. Catherine of Aragon was well loved by the people; Anne of Cleves was intelligent and politically savvy. Catherine was loyal and principled (to a fault, perhaps), but I'm really fond of Anne due to her ability to turn a terrible (and possibly deadly) situation to her benefit.

  14. Definitely Catherine of Aragon. Both as Princess of Wales and as Queen consort, Catherine was extremely popular with the people. Till the end of her life Catherine of Aragon would refer to herself as Henry's only lawfully wedded wife and England's only rightful queen consort; her faithful servants continued to address her by that title. Catherine has long had her admirers for the bravery and courage she displayed in contesting her divorce and fighting for her daughter's rights. She became a symbolic representation of the wronged woman.

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