
Out of Subject Teaching?

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How many of you work in a school that is well known for hiring out of subject teachers?

There are gym teachers teaching algebra, history teachers teaching english, math teachers teaching gym, etc.

Students suffer BIG TIME at the end of the high way.

Your thoughts?




  1. I agree completely. Despite this there are still major shortages of teachers.

  2. it's done out of desperation. my school ends up hiring a lot of long term subs every year who are usually not even certified in anything. though they must have at least a b.a. yes, it's a terrible thing to happen but many schools have no choice. competition for teachers can be fierce. especially in the high need areas like math, science, and sp. ed. sometimes schools have to just put a live body in the room. that's the beauty of nclb. it only applies until the school's get desperate. then it's all about getting someone in there to fill the space.

  3. at least they can make fun of the teacher.. so the green horn gets to learn

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