
Out of Windows Vista,XP...or Mac or UNIX or Ubuntu(including subs),Fedora,Suse which one would you vote for ??

by Guest21349  |  earlier

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Give me thousands of result I will chose best answer for one of the voter of the winning operating system.i want to know the worlds opinion since its been over one year since the release of vista.And I myself vote for VISTA.Lets see which OS wins,also your reason will increase your chance of getting a "best answer".My reason is I just love the aero interface




  1. My favourite among linux is kubuntu.  It's easy to set up.

  2. I vote for Vista, because I've had it for 2 years and it's been running flawlessly-- no crashes, no fatal errors, not one virus. I like it because it looks great, and a lot of the programs I run are Windows-only.

    Linux is great too, I use it occasionally, but I prefer Vista over it because of the compatibility of it. Even though Linux has its own version of pretty much any application, I still prefer Vista because I got my laptop for free, and that includes Vista. Vista looks good and runs smooth. Also, it's very customizable.

    As for Macs... I'm just gonna be honest. I will never buy a Mac or any Apple product anymore, because their sales techniques are just down right low. Their advertisements are so gutless. They have a person from  Apple acting as a person from Microsoft, that talks about all the flaws Vista has, most of which are made up. For example, in those commercials, the Mac guy is always bragging about how he can make movies and such on his Mac, and that's why it's better than Vista. The truth is, Vista DOES have a video editing program that works great. As for the no virus on a Mac concept, the reason behind that is because hackers know that people with Macs don't have information important enough to be worth hacking, and not nearly as many people use Macs compared to Windows, so why would a hacker focus on hacking the minority of people when he can get the majority of people?

    I mean the list goes on when it comes to all the dirty tactics Apple uses. For example, they have an internet ad of a 1990 Macintosh comptuer and a new laptop running Vista. They start both computers, and of course, the Mac is fully booted. They try to make it seem like 1990 Apple technology is superior to Vista. What they fail to understand is that Vista is far superior to Mac, therefore it naturally would take a little longer to load. It's like comparing the start up time of a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) to the start up time of  a Sony Playstation 3 or Microsoft X-Box 360. Both the PS3 and 360 are at least 100x better than the SNES, but they start up slower than the SNES because they have tons of graphics to load.

    Anyways, sorry for the ridiculously long rant, but I hope I get best answer lol. Have a good day.

    PS: Oh, another reason why I don't like Apple is because Mac users, for some unknown reason feel obliged to brag to EVERYONE about how great their Mac is, when really, the difference between Mac and Vista is the graphical interface and applications, so it's just a matter of preference. Macs don't have some secret technology, they run off the same technology as PCs do. They're much more expensive too.

  3. I would vote for Gentoo, because It is the fastest

  4. Any of the Linux's. If the only reason you love vista is for aero, try Linux and get Compiz fusion running. It destroys everything else when it comes to desktop effects.

  5. First, a correction- Ubuntu, Fedora, and SuSE are all 'flavors' of Unix (Linux, technically) the same way 98, XP and Vista are 'flavors' of Windows.

    Anyhow, this is like asking which video game console is best- the answer depends on the person and tasks involved.  Each has strong and weak points (Unix, for example, is generally more secure, but hasn't gotten the gaming side down yet).

    Compiz Fusion can do what Aero does (and more) in X-Windows, so that's not much of a selling point.  I do like the fact Vista's normal user mode works better than XP's, but it has other faults too.  I still use it the most, because it's what came installed on the PC I just bought and I dont' have to find replacement apps or use WINE.

    I'd still consider XP the best office workstation environment, and Linux the best server environment, though too.  All depends on what you want to do with it.

  6. according to my knowledge and experience which i got from all OS...i would vote for XP........

  7.   XP  

  8. I have to say all of them. I like the chrome look of Mac OS X... I like the performance of XP, and I like the aero look of Vista, and the unique look of Linux. I use all four. I don't understand why so much of the world hates Vista. Is it really that bad? I mean, for me, it's perfectly fine. The Linux flavors I have used are Knoppix, gOS ( This is based on Ubuntu, but with google gadgets, try it, it's really cool. It practically looks like a green Mac OS X...) and of course, Ubuntu. I really like the live cd feature of the Linux flavors. So to sum it up.

    1) Vista or Mac OS X

    2) XP or gOS/Ubuntu

    3) Knoppix

  9. vista is the best

  10. any linux flavour, currently using xandros.....The reason is its just as...if not more pretty than windows + mac, you can get emulators that work very easily to run all the programmes (inc ms office and such)  It also has a very nice and small footprint....its also alot easier than most people think

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