
Out of all natural disasters, which one would you rather face?

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I grew up in SF lol aka Earth quake city, to me those were almost nothing But yes they were very frighting!!! In comparison to other natural disasters like tsunami's which scares the h**l out of me! lol No thanks!, I'd rather stick with Earthquakes.

And please tell why.




  1. well probably because you can drown from tsunamis and theirs no way of escaping but their are 3-5 ways to escape earthquakes

  2. Hurricane by a long shot!!!  You always have plenty of notice to get the h**l out of dodge!

  3. Flood.

    You have time to get out.

  4. All natural disasters have the ability to instill awe, and terror in us. Earthquakes are amazing events, as are tornadoes. One thing that we haven't faced is a meteor strike from space, which is highly improbable, but not impossible. in 2029, an asteroid will pass within 40,000 miles of this planet (+/- 10,000 miles, NASA estimation). This event could wipe-out mankind, and change the planet. I believe it's called an 'Extinction Level Event'. I'm not selling everything I have and moving into a cave, but you can bet that I think about it from time to time.

  5. i say flood, those one that build up over a long period of time due to heavy precipitation. those give humans more time to prepare and escape which lessen the number of casualties

  6. I'm from SF too! I'd agree, earthquakes. If I actually had to face one, that is what I would choose. Now buildings are pretty safe for earthquakes. It would be horrid to live in the aftermath, but there wouldn't be as much of a chance of me dieing during it. Now, if the question is which natural disaster would I rather happen in my area, I would choose a hurricane. Why? Because you know those are coming. You have days, sometimes weeks, to prepare. You can leave before it happens. You can't do that with earthquakes, tsunamis, or even tornados.

  7. Well, i've never experienced earthquakes or tsunamis.  All natural disasters are terrible.  I don't think anyone likes them. You must haven't had a bad earthquake. Strong earthquakes cause tsunamis so you are still getting a tsunami if you get a strong enough earthquake.  I don't mind hurricanes as long as they are on the weaker side. I live in virginia so we see hurricanes a lot, but they have only been cat 1 and cat 2 so they weren't bad. I actually like them. I go outside and play in them.

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