
Out of all the Caribbean islands, which are the safest to visit and which should be avoided?

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Out of all the Caribbean islands, which are the safest to visit and which should be avoided?




  1. been to dominican republic and cuba. both feel safe, but a friend got approached in dom rep and it wasnt to be robbed if you know what i mean.  been told do not go off complex in jamaica.

  2. Most Caribbean islands are pretty safe. The more tourist-oriented ones have minimal petty-theft, car-theft and pick-pocketing issues. The more industrialized islands (think Jamaica,Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados) have similar crime issues as those in the US, UK etc.

    General rule of thumb: if you don't do it at home, don't do it in the Caribbean. If you lock your doors at home, put valuables in a safe when at home, why wouldn't you do it while in 'the islands'?! Don't wander around by yourself, especially after dark unless you have a local with you or you know where you're usual most people would help, but there is always the one or two unscrupulous souls who would take advantage of you.

    Anyways, enjoy your stay at whichever Caribbean island you do decide to visit.

  3. May I suggest the island of San Andres as being the safest of all? It is the only island in the Caribbean where I have felt it safe to walk around in the small hours of the morning.

    I have always felt safe in Cuba.

    The Turks and Caicos Islands are safe if you stick to the tourist paths and don't stray from the main drag. I have always felt safe in the French Antilles (Guadeloupe and Martinique).

    The Cayman Islands have long been regarded as safe, but have become less so of late. However, if you are careful you shouldn't run into any problems.

    Haiti must be avoided unless you are escorted, and even then it can be dangerous. Our plans to return there over the past few years were in each case cancelled at the last minute because of the situation. There is a real risk of being kidnapped.

    Jamaica is an island best visited in a group. I would be wary of visiting the Dominican Republic otherwise than in a resort because someone we know from Santo Domingo makes a point of going home equipped with a gun. That's how safe it is for a local!

  4. Here are some interesting tips and information.

    Antigua and Barbuda

    Violent crimes have increased and armed assaults have been perpetrated against tourists. Petty street crime also occurs and valuables left unattended on beaches are subject to theft.


    Visitors should exercise normal caution in safeguarding valuables left on the beach. Woman may wish to avoid deserted areas, especially at night. Crime is more prevalent in major population centers, particularly the “over-the-hill” area of Nassau.


    Street crime sometimes occurs. Valuables left unattended on beaches are subject to theft.


    Bermuda has a low crime rate. However, during the tourist season, pick pocketing and theft of unattended baggage can occur.


    Street crime occurs. Valuables left unattended on beaches are subject to theft.

    Dominican Republic

    Valuables left unattended in parked cars, on beaches, and in other public places are subject to theft. Burglaries of private residences have increased. Some resort areas have experienced an increase in violent crime. The larger resort complexes, which rely on private security services, have generally not been affected.

    French West Indies

    The French West Indies include the islands of Guadeloupe, Isles des Saintes, La Desirade, Marie Galante, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin and Martinique. Street crime, sometimes involving armed assault, appears to be on the rise in St. Martin. In the other territories, petty street crime occurs. Valuables left unattended on beaches are subject to theft.


    Tourists have been victims of armed robbery in isolated areas, particularly after dark. Valuables left unattended on beaches are subject to theft.


    Reports of crime, including armed and sometimes violent robbery, are increasing. Crimes involving occupied and unoccupied vehicles along Route Nationale No. 1 in the port area, in Cite Soleil, and along the airport road continue to be a problem.


    Crime is a serious problem in and around Kingston, Jamaica’s capital. Criminal acts can rapidly turn violent. Visitors should exercise common sense, not walk around at night, and use only licensed taxis or hotel-recommended transportation. In tourist areas, be careful at isolated villas and small establishments.

    Netherlands Antilles

    The Netherlands Antilles include the islands of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius (also known as Statia), and St. Maarten. Petty street crime and armed robbery, including shooting of the victims, are increasing.

    St. Kitts and Nevis

    Petty street crime occurs. Valuables left unattended on beaches are subject to theft.

    St. Lucia

    Petty street crime occurs. Valuables left unattended on beaches are subject to theft.

    St. Vincent and the Grenadines

    Petty street crime occurs. Valuables left unattended on beaches are subject to theft.

    Trinidad and Tobago

    Violent crime, including murder, is on the rise. While crime is significantly lower in Tobago, travelers may wish to avoid traveling alone.

    Good Luck)


  5. Grenadine Islands are by far the safest place in the world....

    Jamaica can be very dangerous, stay on the resort or guided tours.

  6. Barbados is the safest.

  7. I love antiqua, it so nice we went on a speed boat all around th island and went to some beaches you cant get to by foot was lovely... if you go you should go on one of them trips.

    Trinidad and Jamaica, not so safe we didnt get of the dhip at these ports because there not very safe.

    Also dont go round barbados of a night not too safe.

    I think you have to stay alert at most ports tbh, specially if your white some people chased our taxi :S which was quite scary !!

    Anyway hope this helped. :)

  8. Cuba is the safest and most welcoming, for those of us free to go there.

    Haiti is potentially dangerous, as seen by the kidnapping of a Canadian aid worker last week.

  9. You have to use our head. Tourists are generally safe in the Caribbean because the governments need the tourist dollar and will protect their interest. But just like where your coming from common sense is the rule of thumb. Use It! Don't leave things unattended, lock doors, travel in groups, avoid night travel. No Caribbean island is particularly safer than others.

  10. i know my friend's son & mate went to Trinidad...they were beaten up & robbed & one of them was personally - that rules me out of ever going there!!

    wow..good answer from Stella39 - i DEFINATELY won't be going...couldn't stand the worry!!

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