
Out of all the games you've attended, what's the biggest defeat your team's ever had?

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I remember Rangers beating us 7-1 at Hampden in a League Cup semi. The embarrassment was even worse for me because I had to walk through the streets of Glasgow afterwards with orange and black face paint! I remember hiding in a closie so all these Rangers fans wouldn't see me!




  1. As a celtic supporter I remember many big defearts. I think 14-1  by Rangers was the biggest or was it 9-0 by Ayr or was it 12-0 by Motherwell or 7-0 by Dundee. I get mixed up. So many.

  2. i've erased them all from my memory lammy.  that 7-1 was a b*****d, but i only watched on the telly.  I'm sure we took 5 from celtic at tannadice so i reckon that's the one.  aberdeen also beat us 5-1 at Pittodrie the year we won the league.  

  3. 2-1 at Motherwell  

  4. I remember going to a Cubs game and having the Nationals cream them. It was really rotton because a Nationals fan was a row infront of us and he was cheering his head off. All the cubs fans around us were yelling at him to shut up and a bunch of other stuff. The Nationals won by like 10 points.

  5. Trying to think... Sure about 15-20 years ago we lost at Brockville 7-2 or something, can't remember much except my Dad F'ing and C'ing.

       Was in Portugal the night we lost 5-0 (McCoist broke his leg mind) also in Amsterdam when Scotland (via Rab Douglas) lost 6 zip, god that ruined what was going to be a fun visit

  6. Losing 5-1 at Ibrox the game after we had beaten them 6-2.

    Rico, I remember that game well. Was listening on the radio and Keevins said 4 minutes gone and it's game set and match to Rangers. Think we came back fairly well untill Kuznetzov scored a pile driver to kill us off

  7. D.ick Campbell was the manager and we were giving them a run for thier money in our previous two encounters and as far as i remember Hamilton were pushing them hard for the second devision, For some reason our last two games against Gretna our manager fielded weakened sides that got pumped 6-0 on both occasions.


  8. Getting beat 5-1 twice to Rangers comes to mind but my worst feeling about getting beat came in Bratislava, 5-0 first game proper for WGS. He has more than repaid the fans though, so all is forgiven.

    Oh that was so

  9. one of the worst for me was a new years day game when Gillespie was trying to play for us and mark hately had a field day with him the huns were 2 nil up after about 5 mins then 3 nil and I remember shouting to the ref ( fek sake ref we`re not ready yet start again.) but he never did the bazzard. the game ended up 4.2 I know its not a big defeat but its the way it was done thank fek Celtic started playing after 10 minutes or it might have been a disaster.

    I officially scrubbed the first 10 mins so on Ricos history fixtures it reads Celtic 2:1 Rangers.

    Anne Marie I still have nightmares over that one, I never even had a pie that day.

  10. 5-1 to Rangers at Ibrox 1988, the first time i ever went to the zoo, even though I was only 10, it was an embaracement that I never recovered from till Lubo destroyed the Huns. Ian Andrews has a lot to answer to! Thats when our ten years of h**l started, the only thing we won was the tennents 6's Until Wim brought our league trophy home along with the king of kings

  11. the 6-2 game annmarie has just mentioned..ricksen had a nightmare

  12. i am with belfastm on this one, I went to the game at Ibrox, and not only were we beaten but I was abused and spat on as I got the bus home,    never been back to Ibrox since.

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