
Out of all the networks...?

by Guest45176  |  earlier

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which one has the best voices. I think MRN, TNT has the most annoying voices. Kyle Petty should stick to racing, good commentator but a horrible voice for tv.




  1. I have to say MRN as well. Barney Hall voice is legendary and throw in Joe Moore you have a team that's easy on the ears. The only TNT guy that I like is Wally, he needs to be somewhere besides TNT.

  2. I agree completely with what you are saying about Kyle. I really like what he has to say, but can't stand his voice. DW's voice gets on my nerves too. Jeff Hammond has a nice voice.

  3. You know, I'm kinda with Tbone, to a degree, I enjoy DW though.  I have a problem listening to Kyle, not because of his voice, but as far as I know, he's not much of a race car driver.  Well, since I've been watching, I've never seen him do much.  Kyle Petty is an Awesome person, I've just never seen him do good in any race.

    But the one guy that I hate listening to is Mikey!  whew!  lisp lisp  Man!  He is just hard to listen to, for me anyway...

  4. I still like the FOX guys!  Tbone, you're crazy...Rusty "cat" drives me nuts.  But, then, I like Wally "Wally's world" Dallenbach.

    Go Jr.>>>>

  5. Fox for sure. Waltrip is horrible. I can't stand him.

  6. I agree with you Tom I like Kyle Petty but I think he should stick to racing!!

  7. I like Fox the most....But the guys on MRN are awesome they call the race, and nothing but the race, no b/s and gossip c**p, just the race..That's all I need just the race.. Just remember we have ESPN/ABC coming later, you think TNT is bad, I know Dale Jarrett is good he and Pettrie should be good together, but me thank god for my Sirius Satellite radio and MRN I can play it right through my home theater system...

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  8. I like ESPN in the 90's coverage....when d**k Trickle was racing

  9. FOX is my favorite and if the race is actually on the radio where I live(the race is never on the radio were I live) my favorite radio in MRN beacuse they are classic.

  10. I like FOX..

    I don't like TNT..

    I can't stand Kyle in the booth, he just talks waayyy too much..

  11. Call me crazy but I like the Nationwide guys.  Dougherty, Rusty and the other guy.  2nd is the truck guys with Phil Parsons.

    I am crazy Gloria..  I like Wallys World also.

  12. I'd say FOX. Actually, they should all shut up-we don't need three  plus hours of there incessant yammering.

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