
Out of all the ppl Mick F. played....

by Guest67138  |  earlier

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What was you fave..I liked all of them really




  1. Mankind!

  2. undertaker

  3. i liked them all to but least fav cactus jack

  4. Cactus Jack

  5. Mankind

  6. Dudelove

    That was so ridiculas and yet so d**n funny !!!

  7. Mankind was my favorite.

  8. Mankind he was the best then Cactus Jack and last dude love

  9. mankind with that gimmick he was part of so many historical events like the boiling brawl room, the infamous h**l in a Cell, and who couldn't forget one of wwe's unseen from anyone The Rock and Sock Connection.

  10. i liked Cactus Jack and Mankind the most, Dude Love wasn't all that entertaining to me

  11. They were all entertaining. There are two ways to answer this question. I think he had the most success with Mankind. It brought him stardom in WWE, and the character worked both as a twisted villain (in the beginning) and a hilarious comic face, which led to memorable reigns as Champion. Who could forget his Monday Night Raw championship win against The Rock, the Half Time Heat special, or, of course, THE h**l in a Cell match against the Undertaker. The Mankind character had the most memorable moments and was the most complex. In terms of extreme enjoyability, however, I really liked Cactus Jack. He was the most sadistic, and, of course, was legendary in multiple federations, although moreso in WWE and ECW than WCW. In the end, I have to go with Mankind. Dude Love was by far the worst. Mankind pushed Mick Foley from being a star, to an unforgettable hardcore legend, no matter what Ric Flair or anyone else says.

  12. the undertaker of course.and yea i liked all of them two but undertaker was the best. this was the best fued ever.

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