
Out of control 7 year old?

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I nanny for 3 kids. Ages 7, 4 and 4. The 7 year old boy is just out of control. He has issues, and is currently attending a new school that is better equipped to deal with his issues. In MOST ways he is your average normal 7 year old. His parents, teachers and I have got together over the issue of his behavior. We agree that we aren't going to let him "get away with" anything we wouldn't let any other child. His problems don't excuse him from acting like a civil human being.

Yesterday there were 2 incidents on the playground.

The 1st: All 3 were on the climber, anytime his younger brother would try and climb up, the 7 yr old would either block his way or step on his fingers. I told him he could play nicely and share the climber with everyone, or not play at all. He looks me dead in the eye and slams his heel down on little brothers fingers again. I start to walk towards him and he jumps off and takes off!! This is a gated playground but he knows how to get out of it.





  1. Try introducing your hand to his bare bottom. Again and again until he come around to your way of thinking.

  2. It depends on type of "issues" that he has. If he is autistic then he has a very hard time expressing his emotions. He also has a hard time connecting with other people so explaining how something makes someone feel may not be making any sense to him because he can't understand his own feelings. If he starts to have fits like you described I would continue to handle it just as you did. Sit him on your lap wrap your arms around him and hold him until he calms down. This helps him feel safe and secure adn helps him get in control of his emotions. If you feel that his parents genuinely aren't doing things to control his behavior maybe you should suggest that he see a psychiatrist who can recommend a regiment that will allow him to learn how to control himself and his emotions and can recommend what you should do when he acts out. Good luck!

  3. I would say youre  definitely doing a good job .  I think however that this boy definitely needs some therapy and his parents too on how to control him and to talk about his problems

  4. This boy needs  help. He has a kind of mental  problem. he has to see a dr.

  5. Spank him. Hard. Make his little butt blaze when he steps on someone else's fingers, and let his friends watch him get his butt whomped. He'll be humbled by the experience.

  6. Wow, that's some job you've got there!

    What you are doing now sounds absolutely right. But it seems like it isn't working, because he's being defiant in a way that is dangerous to others. You need to tell his parents this - they can't expect you, or his siblings, to put up with it.

    I'm not sure what to suggest. Just to say to you: do keep your temper. I'm not sure I could in that situation. If you feel like he is driving you completely mad and you will do something you will regret, put the kids in the car, drive them home, and call the parents. Leave him in the car if necessary until the parents arrive.

  7. Well, do not spank him it makes him wonder, why does she hit me? If she does, then I will too! No. Tell his parents, and do what my friend does. Turn his bedroom door handle the other way around, so you could lock him in when needed. He may scream, or even demolish his room! But stand firm and say, You have to clean this room, if you don't you won't come out and you'll miss dinner. Let his appetite get the best of him. Explain calmly that what he did was wrong and if he does it again he'll be put back in his room, and maybe his toys will be taken. He is definitely out of control!!

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