
Out of curiosity, how many Obama-haters or anti-Obamas read his books?

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Please be honest, I'm not judging here. I just want to know because so many people who won't vote for Mr Obama give other people very wrong informations about him (like where he was born in, which school he went to..etc)




  1. I am currently reading his second book.  There are some things that I agree with in his book but I find that his basic philosophy that the US needs more entitlement programs is the wrong direction for the country.  

  2. Well I was going to but 1 but I think he had it wrote in spanish.Us typical people clinging to our guns and relegion are not buying it. This man says enough rhetoric in his speeches  

  3. I bought two of his books. Then, before I got them, the Rev. Wright scandal came out and I learned enough to know that Obama is an America hating racist. I now have no need to read them. A person would have to be pretty uninformed and like it that way to vote for Obama.

  4. I have read one of his books.

    I don't think he's evil...just not presidential.

    besides, he's a rev. wright said...he'll do whatever he needs to to get elected.

  5. I did. I was written by a very bitter man, alas, those were the time Mr. Obama grew up in.

  6. I don't read his books but I listen to what he says. Does what he say not match his books?

  7. i have no interest in what that marxist has to say and will not put a penny in his pocket so i guess that means i didn't read it.

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