
Out of respect, can a civilian do a military salute to a soldier, high ranked or not?

by Guest31754  |  earlier

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I've never been in the military but I think it's very noble to serve your country.

Let's say for example, I am introduced to Lieutenant-General X or a fresh newbie just enrolled 24 hours ago, can I do the military salute to them?

Or is that laughable/corny/disrespectful?




  1. In the British army a serviceman can only salute when he is wearing head-dress, be it a helmet, beret, cap, whatever. So even a serving soldier should not salute if dressed in civilian clothes. Therefore a civilian shouldn't salute either.

    May be different in other countries...

  2. Do as you want but to salute a recruit is laughable, the officer or any other service member would rather have a hand shake.


    Just my opinion ya know

  3. You dont need to salute and I would not receive it as a respect thing. It just means your not informed about what your supposed to do.

    I dont think they will laugh..They should just correct you..No civilian rates to salute anyone.

  4. agree with mpt600, but cheers mate if you want to salute a soldier do so! I always want to salute a hearse of an old soldier when it passes me an Im a civvy now, it shows respect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    ex recon British Army

  5. Yes to laughable, corny and disrespectful.

    The Salute is a sign of respect between members of the Armed Forces. The origin going back to medieval times when mounted knights would lift their visor to show their face

    The only persons(by law) in the US allowed to salute anything (as civilians) are Veterans. That has only been on the books since Jan of this year.

    We can now Salute the Flag (at our own option) during the National Anthem, at parades as if passes, at funerals when Colors pass. Clothing is not an issue and you need not be wearing cover.

    Did for the 1st time at a Memorial Day event this year.

    SSG US Army 73-82

  6. If you think it's noble to serve your country, why don't you do so?

    A handshake would be better than saluting.

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