
Out of school club activities? Any Ideas?

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Hi, I have to do an activity with the children at my local out of school club. The children are aged 4-10 years old. Does any one have any good suggestions as to what I could do with them? I need to keep them entertained for an hour.




  1. model making using old cartons boxes or maybe models using dough

  2. my children do cookery or ict  in after school club. if you have not got access to these resorces then maybe you could do drama. get the children to act out their favourite stories or do roleplay work with them. the best sort of entertainmenmt is entertainment.

  3. Do a group game. You could scale down a game like kickball or make one up. Find something with a lot of movement to get all their energy out. Make sure that you explain the rules clearly... have them repeat them back. Make sure rules are short and easy to understand (and not too many). Try to find a way for the older kids to help the younger ones (as opposed to taking advantage of them and trampling over them... or split them into teams)

    You could also do parachute activities. Find some small foam balls to bounce around on the parachute. Think of different ways to shake and move it. Works best with a large parachute.

    If you have time to fill do some music movement activities. Jim Gill and Greg and Steve are great for this age. Their songs are easy to put movements to and aren't too "young" for the older ones.

    This isn't a specific suggestion... find some team building activities. Something where the older kids have to help the younger kids to complete a project. Working together will help you out with management and teach them to be supportive of each other. Remember to always plan more than what you think you'll have time for. Sometimes activities move a lot faster than you plan and you don't want to be stuck sitting around staring at each other because that's when the unwanted behavior comes out.

  4. Painting, colouring, lego, board games etc.  Boys are always happy with a football and goal posts.

  5. indoor:painting ,colarge ,sawing ,beeds,

    outdoor: obsticle course,team games

  6. Make paper airplanes, goop. That is quite an age jump so I would just make sure the activity can keep all ages entertained.

  7. junk modeling, paper masha, clay, Lego, i find things like play dough, sand, water goes down well with my after school club because its not something they don't tend to do in school past reception,

    if the weather is nice u could do an outdoor activity like races, treasure hunt, circuit training,

    good luck

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