I was curious as to whether or not the CA DMV will know the exact date that I moved to the state... or more like when I first gained employment (as that's one of the things they say make you a resident). I gained employment in CA back in July last year, but was unsure whether I was going to stay in CA or move back to TX. Only found out in the last month I'm staying here - also gained new employment in the last 2 weeks. Basically...the registration fee calculator is killin' me on the website ($700 total) if I put in the truth (July 2007). Even putting in September 2007 makes the difference of $400.
So yes, does the DMV know whether or not the date you put down is the truth? Could I even get away with putting down my new employment date from a couple weeks ago?
And for the record, CA DMV must be stingy. When I moved from CA to TX a couple years back, they didn't try to get an extra year's worth out of me while I was letting the CA registration expire. Sigh. :-p
Thanks for any help!