
Out of state tuition for grad/law school? Help please?

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So right now I live in CA with my parents. I will be attending ASU next fall and plan on obtaining my undergad degree there. From there I plan to go to law school in California. Would I be considered a resident or non-resident if I still use my parent's address in CA? Although I will have attended school in AZ, I'd still be considered a CA resident right? 10 points to best answer! Thanks.

Also, would it differ if I stay in the dorms all four years or if I rented an apartment later?




  1. I'm from PA, but I believe you would still be considered a California resident under the circumstances you just mentioned. I lived in the dorms during my four years of undergrad in Ohio; however, I was still considered a PA resident because I used my mother's address in PA. I'm not too sure about how living off campus would change your residency status. (Tip: Become a resident assistant  during undergrad and you may get to live for free or half off.)

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