
Out of the circle? I need help.........?

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What do you do if your a really pretty person, loaded with confidence..but there's one problem...your not allowed to wear make up. I'm not allowed to wear it, but not wearing it gives the other girls an unfair advantage because they look amazing..(because the can wear it.) with out it, most of them wouldn't even come close to what they look like with it on. . . how can I feel gorgeous, with out it?




  1. beauty is skin deep there are many ways to be naturally beautiful.

  2. Don't compare yourself to other girls. If you are loaded with confidence you shouldn't be worried about other girls. How old are you btw?

  3. Why can't you wear make up ?

    I know that lots of guys prefer the natural look, so stay natural and be confident about it !


  4. Do not compare yourself to others. If you truly are confident & pretty, you do not need artificial enhancements to bring that out. Your own personality should be enough.

    Feeling gorgeous comes from within, not some powder you put on yourself.

  5. Try simple things like a slightly toned face powder, and a little lip gloss. Or maybe a tiny bit of clear coat mascara and clear coat nail polish or get a manicure kit! Or try a hint of blusher with a small amount of eye liner on the insides of your eyes to give you definition.

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