
Out of the four core subjects: Language Arts, Science, Math, and Social Studies, which is the most important?

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Which is the most important and why?




  1. All four subjects are meant to help develop the student's mind. To me, I don't think any of them is more important than the other when considering the development of the student.

    While it is true that Language Arts is necessary for success in other subjects, it fails to develop the other core areas of the student. English focuses on communication skills in the form of reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing. This helps develop the student's creative and comprehension skills.

    Social Studies is also a very necessary subject and if I had to pick one, I would say this one is the most important. In Social Studies, students learn to critically think, which is one of the best skills that an education can provide. Social also teaches skills to analyze, identify, verify and research.

    Science is mainly taught to teach the student how to think practically and for them to learn how our world functions. More importantly, it teaches students to inquire and develops a natural curiosity in them.

    Math is also very important and it is also very useful in the sense that is it understood and accepted all over the world. Not only does it teach students mathematical topics, but it teaches them to think logically and with reason.

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