
Out of the ordinary marketing ideas?

by  |  earlier

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If you've got a logo type design you want to get out there- get recognized, what non-traditional marketing tactics would you use? I've even heard of having stickers printed and posting them all over the city.......

any thoughts?




  1. I'd be carefull with the sticker posting idea.

    We live in the age of communication and information. The modern approach to getting your logo seen and known is to use the communication of information to carry it to your target audience.

    Whatever business you are in, think of what information you could provide for your potential customers. Put the information in a pack that can be delivered electronically or hard copy and get it out there. Make sure your logo, company details, and a big benefit you can offer, can be clearly seen.

    Not only does this get your logo seen, but if the information is useful it is viewed as a gift from you, that may be recipricated.

    Use the information packs as viral marketing. Encourage people to pass them on. Ask for others that they know that may want an information pack

    It shows you are knowledgable about your industry, not just a pushy salesperson, and a nice person. If you want more ideas, especially about electronic and web based marketing feel free to use the ones on my website at

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