
Out of these Three Colors which one Represents our Planet?

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Green - For the Forests and Jungles.

Brown - For the Land and Desert.

Blue - For the Ocean and Sea.

Thank's a Lot.




  1. blue because the water on our planet allows it to sustain life and makes it unique from other planets.

  2. Nasa says its blue !

  3. "the blues are over now it is the time to see the greens"

    I think u hav got it

  4. I think Blue for water becuse it is 70%.

  5. Blue - For the Ocean and Sea.

    B'coz our planet is covered with 70% water & when you look it from space, it looks as if blue planet.

  6. none of these

    its 'black' - for darkness

    seeing the present situation (pollution, overpopulation, deforestation, crime, poaching, etc, etc, etc......)   , i would say the future is dark

  7. all three

  8. Blue

    70% Surface Area of Sphere is Water

    U Forgot another Color


    The Color of Water in Gaseous state


  9. We live on the big blue marble.  Blue is what I would answer.

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