
Out of these players in the steroid era which most deserves to be in the HOF?

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Barry Bonds

Raphael Palmeiro

Mark Mcgwire

Sammy Sosa

Juan Gonzalez




  1. What I don't get is the argument that certain players had a HoF career before they  started using steroids, so they should be in the Hall of Fame.

    I thought cheaters were supposed to be punished.  Banning them from the Hall would be punishment.

    btw, didn't Pete Rose have a HoF worthy career before he started betting on baseball.

  2. Sammy Sosa

  3. I'm going with Sosa since his name doesn't come up as much as everyone else's on here.

    Bonds would've been a sure hall of famer if he never did steroids. He just couldn't leave it alone....

  4. 1. Sosa

    2. McGwire

    3. Bonds

    4. Palmeiro

    5. Gonzalez

  5. Sadly none. They're too jacked up to be in the HOF.

  6. None. I'm just baffled as to why someone would say "none, except Sosa"

    Either you did steroids and you blew your chances to the Hall or you didn't. All these guys did. Why would Sosa be exempt? The people here never cease to amaze me with their stupidity.

  7. sosa has been mention the least and i still dont believe he has taken roids

  8. Sammy Sosa, by default.

    He's the only person who hasn't been clearly linked to the steroid scandal, even though it's pretty obvious that he used them.

  9. Bonds  

  10. No such thing as a "steroid era" in baseball, because steroids have been around since 1889 and no one here has proof that any single baseball player before the 1970's used steroids, and the publicity of steroids did not surface until after the HR races early in this decade.

    I'd vote all of them in based upon their performance.  Nothing else to prove because they took PED's, but they did not abuse them or use them when illegal or banned by MLB.

  11. None of them...they're all steroid using b*****s

  12. Sammy Sosa, if there is a vacancy on the ballot

  13. In order:






    Although I think only Bonds will make it.

  14. Definitely not Bonds. I say Sosa and McGwire, their home run chase with each other revitalized baseball in America.

  15. Bonds would be the one.

    He was pretty much a HOF lock before the "spike" in his power numbers.

    Palmeiro would've been a lock if not for him actually failing a drug test, so he's definitely out.

    Sosa honestly still has a shot but his average is well, average, and that's gonna be a knock against a guy who has question marks (or asterisks).

    McGwire would have been a lock if he hadn't insinuated any wrongdoing by denying to answer questions in congress (a shame, really).

    Juan Gone's numbers just aren't there. While the jury is out on his alleged steroids use, it is certain that he benefited from the hitter friendly confines of the Ballpark at Arlington. I know it's flimsy, but if it works against Andre Dawson, why not Juan? (Dawson was never accused of doping BTW).

  16. everyone hates barry but the truth is before the steroids came into play he was the modern day willie mays. half way through his career he had already tied willie on career mvp awards and he had just as many steals as willie. was he willie? heck no and no one ever will. i don't think anyone else has a first ballot chance but all except gonzalez will get in.

  17. None .They all took illegal drug. barry Bonds lied about. Even fans saw Barry bonds take the drug.

  18. none

  19. None of them they all are stupid for using steroids in the first place.

  20. You forgot Tejada,Clemens,Conseco and if we really wanted to know everybody in the bigs.It kills me that congress wastes all of our money on a whitch hunt for steroid use when it wasnt even illegal in baseball to use them.If we are going to really get into it we need to go through the whole hall of fame and evaluate everyone.Guys in the 30s-40s-50s-60s use amphedamines to get through a season.Wow even Terry Bradshaw admitted that football players in the 70s used steroids because doctors beleived it would help players heal injuries and make it through the season.While we are on it lets put Pete Rose in.He earned it.Is there an asterick next to OJ Sympson in the football hall of fame.What about all the Cowboys that were busted for drugs duuring their dynasty in the 90s.All Im saying is each era has there own enhancements and advantages.If we really wanted to go on a witch hunt we could nullify all hall of famers.I grew up watching baseball durring the so called steroid era and these guys were the best in the sport.Therefore they are in the hall of fame in my era.

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