
Out witting grim?

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has anyone ever seen the other side and come back to life? if u have what was it like. plz post answers if uve died and came back to life. im really curious as to wats over there..




  1. When I was a child I drowned and was brought back by some lifeguards.  I remember not being able to get back to the surface and just letting go.  It was very peaceful and didn't hurt or seem wrong, everything just went black.  I did not see anything, no light to walk to,  no out of body stuff, just peace and blackness.  The next thing I felt was like slamming into a wall or falling off a roof on your back,  then spitting up mass amounts of water.  At that point I was aware of things but everything was still black for a few more minutes.  It was like waking up from a bad dream, I was confused, unable to put together what had just happened to me. Then I slept the rest of the day.  I don't think I understood what had happened until the next day.  

    The dieing part was easy, the coming was a little rough,  but I'm glad I lived.  That is my experience hope it helps.

  2. yes i died, i think what i saw (lack of a better word) was h**l. they say h**l is a lake of fire, not true. its so cold it burns you. so d**n cold you would never believe it. and dark so dark you see nothing. all you feel is the teeth ripping you apart. and the screams you hear will never leave you!

  3. For every aspect of an NDE, there is at least one scientific explanation for it. And for every scientific explanation, there seem to be five NDE cases that defy it. So keep an open mind when looking into this. This site has tons of near death experiences accounts and even the professionals involved strongly believe these to be true.

    These are stories of people having an NDE while having no brain activity. You can search the site for more info and stories.

    Here is another site that has a lot of research on the subject

  4. You're asking a hair-splitter.  A lot of people nowadays believe it's possible to visit the places people go when they die without dying.  

    I've also provided something on Jose Silva because I got it by mistake in the copy/paste and what the heck.  Might as well.

  5. Plenty of people have 'died' and returned seconds later, after being resuscitated by doctors.  More and more people are having these experiences now that our medicine is getting so good.  

    Many of them report a 'near death experience' which consisted of things like bright lights, out of body experiences, and dead relatives visiting.  The funny thing is, test pilots often (17% of the time) report the exact same things when they black out from high G testing.  They weren't dead, or in any danger of dying, but the same things happened to them.  Many studies have been done, and it turns out the whole 'near death experience' is simply your brain freaking out and trying to calm you down - you basically imagined the whole thing.

  6. You may be interested in the links below:

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