
Outdoor Turtle Pond and Algae Issue?

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Pond is in direct sunlight. No cover. Submersiable pump. I use the algae killing liquid form walmart and its just not working. I always worried I can't see my turtle and its dead in there from the grossness of the water.

What are good products?

It is a 125 gallon pond. There is a pond turtle and about 4 dozen goldfish. We tried the algea eater fish and they died..can't keep those alive in there (and yes that was before I used a chemical algae eater..its not what killed them).

Any idea's!!




  1. Snails....

  2. try a little more and i wouldnt be to worried about algae i dont think that product is gonna work no matter how much u use but it might idk all i no is algae wont hurt the turtles i have a couple turtles living in my pond and my pond i FILLED with algae and there doing great

  3. add barley

    thats what I do and repeat every 3 weeks,,,

    works great!

  4. you must figure out some way to block the sunlight, either with trees and shrubs or with a canopy, we bought a canopy at Walmart (like a tent but open on the sides) that really helped one pond another thing, you have too many goldfish in there, they give off excessive fertilizer and feeds the algae, so if you reduce the fish to 1 dozen it will greatly help

    good luck

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