
Outdoor camping nightime family games?

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hi we are going camping as a family next weekend we are a very large family with alot of family members with us about 15 ppl and everything the problem is at night we sit around the campfire and seem to have nothing to do it is very dark so daytime games wont work at night and scary stories dont interest us last year we played charadesand it stopped being fun this year anybody have any good ideas for games the family can play this year? we were looking to buy laser guns but they are expensive for a family this large. id love any great ideas for fun outdoor family games that wont be too costly! thank you!




  1. play flashlight tag where "it" walks around with a flashlight and if "it" shines it on someone they're "it"

  2. Ummmm...Hide and Seek?  

  3. My 7 year old daughter made up her own little game we play everytime we are camping. At the campfire, each one of us ask a question and we all answer, then move on to the next person. Questions like "whats your favorite movie?" etc...

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