
Outfit help for school...

by  |  earlier

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I wanna wear the shoes with black opaque tights, shorts, and the jacket, with my hair tied in a ponytail and my glasses (they have the versace logo imprinted at the corner of the frames.

It is not really summery in London anymore and i doubt it will be when school starts in September so could i wear it? And should I wear skinny jeans instead of the shorts? And also what do you think about the shoes and jacket?

(Shoes, in plain black)

(In black)

Thanks alot!




  1. I love the shoes and jacket and you should wear skinny jean with it rather than shorts! and with your hair in a ponytail and glasses.. you will look sooooo nice for school! hope this helps and good luck =) oh and if you need somethin heavyer than just switch the top out for a thick coat and for somethin lighter just wear a nice white shirt and a black vest over it like this

    but from a store where you live lol and thats just a example!

  2. Those shoes are EXTREMELY ugly, lol sorry.  I absolutely adore that jacket though.  Just get different shoes and the outfit sounds cute to me. :)

  3. those shoes are really ugly n/o try something cuter and more in this :

    Good Luck!!! =D

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