
Outreach program? urgent?

by Guest58637  |  earlier

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we're gonna be hosting an outreach program for cancer patients (they're kids)

i was chosen to be the head. i dunno where to start though =(

could you suggest some ideas?

we're planning to sing for them. do you know some nice songs?

what are some fun activites? should we ask them to color and stuff?

please reply

we really want to see smiles on their faces




  1. Hello Meg They are kids first and cancer patients second.   Ask the medical ppl at the place where the kids are or where they get treated about physical, limits and within that treat them just like any other kids.  Find out the age range and ask ppl in the group w/ brothers and sisters that age what they like best.   Singing is good and a sing along would be even better so they can take part of they want to.     Silly songs work well.

  2. How you do this depends intirely on the setting.  Will it be an event that the parents bring them to? Will you be going to a childrens Hospital?  If so will you be visiting rooms or will they be coming to a common room.

    My suggestion is to pick a theme.  Circus or clowns is always a fun easy one that kids love.  You can have face painting and shape baloons.  And you can cut paper into basic cone shapes (without taping it) and have the kids decorate it with glitter glue and such and then each child will have their own hat.  If you choose to do singing try to pick songs that eveyone knows so everyone can participate.  Nursary rhymes are good.  

    Themes tye everything together and if you pick one the events will just fall into place.

  3. When I was a cancer patient as a child, of the very few things that I still had the patience and strength to do was arts and crafts. The other kids in the ward and I made a 12 month calendar, we each got to pick our month. When it was complete my doctor had it professionally printed and we each got a copy for the following year.

    A few times we just sat around and made little presents out of various every day materials for our parents/friends.

    If this outreach program is going to happen before Valentine's Day, you may want to see about having the kids create Valentines for one person in their life that has made the biggest difference.

    Hope I helped!

  4. You could put on a play, or rent a recent movie (DVD) that kids like and play it on a tv in a day room and have some sort of snacks (if allowed).  You could read to them, tell them stories.  Start a story and have everyone add a portion to it so everyone is included in making a new story.  Make balloon animals.  Teach kids new dance steps and dance for them

    You are doing a wonderful thing, I am sure that you will do a fantastic job with these dear children.

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