
Outside people are screaming I think it's my neighbours arguing should I go out and see if they are ok?

by  |  earlier

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or would I be classed as nosey???




  1. throw eggs at them

  2. Awwh. Its sweet that you are so concerned for them.

    If I were you, I'd just stay out of it.

    They'd probably see you as interfering and nosy.

  3. dont get into domestics!

  4. You'd be classed as nosey. Just stay out of it LOL For a peaceful life don't get involved!! =)

  5. no you shouldn't because you will just get involved even if you aren't

  6. nope...don't get involved...they sound like nice people rowing in the street don't they?!!  sad!!

  7. Aww your lovely =)

  8. just peak outside and see whats going on

  9. eh i would check it out... but yeah YOUTUBE it yay!

  10. NO  .   phone  police   if  your  concerned   stay  out  of  domestics  unless  your  seriously  concerned  for  someones   life  just  tel  police   now  ..

  11. Go out and start screaming at them. They'll soon shut up.

  12. Scream at them back!   Tell them to "shut up"!

  13. Well I think you should film it and put it on you tube but hey most mature people would say that's stupid so if you don't do that I would have a peak and if it seems like just a argument leave it alone but if it looks like a serious problem call the cops.

  14. Just check the backgarden tomorrow for new digging or new patio's

  15. No doubt the other nosier occupants of the street have assessed the situation.I'd just sit back with window open and enjoy the entertainment.

  16. put it on utube  

  17. run outside naked and tell them you're

    trying to have a shave,lol

  18. Hahah, stay home, one time I was at this park by my house, and I was really drunk with this dude, and we like heard someone getting killed so we started to go over and see if we could help and then the police came, and we got taken home, and I got grounded and all this c**p cause I snuck out and was drunk and got taken home by the police.

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