
Outstanding Ochoa bows out at the top

by caddywack  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Outstanding Ochoa bows out at the top
Lorena Ochoa once said of golf: "It's hard to do well, and I like the challenge of managing my mind." Sadly, that challenge has now lost its allure, with Ochoa officially announcing her retirement from the game last week at just 28 years of age.
Ochoa had previously suggested that she wasn't in the sport for the long haul, explaining that once she had children of her own, family would take priority over the fairways. Having married last November, perhaps Ochoa has decided that the time has come when she should be worrying less about places on the leaderboard, more about places at kindergarten.
From the press conference, where she announced her retirement, she said: "I just want to be honest with all of you. I went to Asia [at the Honda LPGA tournament], and after two or three days of being in Thailand, it was really easy to me - it was really clear to see that I didn't want to be out there, you know. I just was thinking of other things. I wanted to get home. I wanted to start working on the foundation. I wanted to be here close to my family."




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