
Outstanding warrant????

by  |  earlier

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I got a letter (post card, actually) in the mail today saying that I have outstanding warrant(s). It says I must take care of this within 10 days or i will be arrested and lodged on these violations. I have paid all my tickets and the last time I got a ticket was months ago. If I have a warrant wouldn't they arrest me anyway, Why does it say I have 10 days?




  1. There are different types of warrants. A bench warrant means you go to jail IF an officer happens to run your info. An arrest warrant means they come to your house. An outstanding warrant is simply an unexecuted warrant. If it is for a moving violation then they won't come get you.

  2. If you do not have the money to pay this and take care of it, stay at a different house for a few days after you 10 is up. they will come to your house and get you, thats what they did to me. you have a bench warant out for your arrest, go into the court and they will not do anything but help you. they dont arrest you right there.

  3. you showing up to handle this will say volumes...especially if what you say is true.

  4. You probably have a bench warrant.  If you don't pay your tickets (which apparently weren't taken care of if you got a postcard) then they will arrest you.

    I would just go down, talk to them, and explain that you thought you already took care of it.  It'll show initiative on your part, and your willingness to get this taken care of in a timely manner.

  5. you should probably move overseas

  6. Contact the court that it says the warrant is out of and find out for sure.  If there is anything out there with your name on it that is unpaid they'll let you know and let you know how you can take care of it.

    Yes if you have a warrant you could be arrested.  Although many courts offer leniency depending on the violations and give you an opportunity to take care of them prior to an arrest happening.  It's like around here once a year or so they offer people in the area to come in and pay citations, parking tickets etc which have gone to warrant without having to pay extra etc.........

    It's a courts way to make money and save it also..............

  7. ?

    10 days... Sounds like a ticket in and of itself. Typically, on a minor traffic violation, since you wont reveal what this card is in reference too. It must say. After you receive the citation, you have 10 days to take care of it or a warrant for your arrest will be entered.

    "they basically told me that they don't deal with the officers harassing citizens" This is done because if they did, it would be considered bad form for a police agencie to investigate itself and is gennerally not as accepted as being investigated by an outside source. But... Just the job itself. Where your job is to be the bad guy, to ruin the fun of others, to remind people that they make mistakes, to be a conscience where there is none... No, typically, when the police have to get involved in a situation decisions will be made that will not make everyone happy. If they are there, it has already gone too far.

    Moral of the story is, solve problems yourself. Follow the laws. Interact with professionalism, tact, integrity, and good communication. Not smart remarks, intimidation, threats, assumptions, or gestures.

  8. Most local authorities don't want to deal with the hassle of booking/holding people.  If the warrant came about from a relatively minor offense, they would rather you just pay your fines than to deal with the costs associated with booking, holding, and prosecuting someone.  

  9. Go to the clerk and see what your warrants are (usually they are for unpaid fines.) and they will be happy to assist you.

  10. just gives you time to go and pay your fine. When i was in texas, I got a ticket for seat belt violation and some other ****... i was supposed to go to court- but i had to come back home for college. I got a postcard in the mail about that warrant c**p too. I called the texas department of transportation, and i sent them cash (a fine for a missed court date and the original fine).. i doubt that they would extradite (<- sp?) me across the entire country for a seat belt violation anyway.

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