
Outta here for a while, cause I have kidney stones. Have you had them??

by  |  earlier

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Well...I have kidney stones. This isn't the first time for the little suckas to invade my organs - but it is truly the most miserable I've ever been with them!!! They're going in to get them later this week if we can get rid of the infection first! Someone PLEASE tell me something for the nausia...fever...PAIN!

HINTS?? Anything?

What was your experience like?

Hope you miss me, tho! I'm outtie - This might make you laugh:




  1. That totally sucks.  I would just take a c**p load of pain meds!

    Good luck, we will miss your happy face:)

  2. My sister had them and the worst part is before they are taken out .Afterwards she had no problem with them and said she was glad they took them out.Good luck!!

  3. I figured something was up, hadn't heard from you much.    Don't drink Tea!  It creates them!  Life gave you lemons so drink lemonade (it inhibits them)   Hope you feel better soon.

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