I have been having pain in my left side for about a week, went to the doctor for an ultrasound today... my late period and the pain has been explained I have a 4cm cyst on my ovary. Im in pain a lot my back hurts, its hard to pee or you know, it hurts. Im just wondering how my doctor is going to treat it, we havent talked yet...but im scared of it bursting, last time i had one burst i was down on the ground....like 5 years ago, im only 21. my ovaries have been clear since i got pregnant 22 months ago.....then all of a sudden....here comes a cyst./.. ive never had a cyst this big im scared to know what my treatment options would be....im not on birthcontrol now, due to the fact that my best option was an iud and my body rejected it. anyone with similar experence id appreciate some advice, like what is going to help this pain....thanks