
Ovarian cyst ruptured - next month normal?

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Ok, so I had a period beginning July 5 and it lasted the usual 5 days. Very normal period. I begin severe cramping about a week and a half before my scheduled period (Aug.1) and about 4 days before I am supposed to start, I actually start spotting for the first 2 days and then a heavier (but still very light compared to my normal periods) flow. I go to see my doctor who says that it sounds like I had a follicular cyst and it ruptured which is why I didn't get pregnant in July. He said to keep trying and eventually, I'll get there. Here's the thing though. I tested positive for the LH surge last month for ovulation and have started doing my tests again for this month. Does anyone know if you ovulate the next month after a cyst ruptures or if ovulation is delayed at all? I've read that if a cyst ruptures, the ovary heals itself within hours. I'm just wondering if I should waste the strips on this month if I don't ovulate or if I should just wait for September. Anyone with similar experience or advice, please respond! Thanks to all :-)




  1. I didn't have a cyst rupture (I just had surgery this past Monday for endometriomas on my ovaries), but I was told the same thing as you.  If it ruptures, it heals itself within a day, that is, given it is a follicular cyst (fluid filled).  And you have 2 ovaries, so if one isn't working, the other one supposedly picks up the slack, so to say.  

    If my doctor is hoping that I get pregnant this month, that must say something since he just carved out the endometriomas with the laser on both ovaries this past Monday.  

    Also, just an FYI... I buy the ovulation predictor kits online through  I believe I paid around $20 for forty test strips.  And they give you free pregnancy tests with it.  Much, much cheaper than the corner drug stores.  

    Good luck!

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