
Over 10,how much will you rate this play?

by Guest60183  |  earlier

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Sweet play.Commentators didn't sound too excited though.




  1. You can't rank teamwork.

  2. 8

    keeps u on your toes

  3. ill give it a 6. they were just lucky, kidd got the bad pass. they shoudnt be too excited with their amazing plays cause that is given, like it happens everyday. but they need to focus on winning, even without those fancy passes.

  4. like a 7. nobody was guarding the basket

  5. 9.5 woulda been better if there was some defense

  6. 8

    nice passes, but like the guy above me said no defense

  7. what the heck

  8. 10/10

    really good play

  9. 8

  10. Good passing.It was to easy though because there was no defense.

  11. 9 i love the ball passing and the dish then the finish by kobe. that was great but 9 becuz the other team could have given an effort to freakin guard the basket a little

  12. 9.9999. Sick pass but only gave it a 9 b/c no defense

  13. 7.5

  14. i give it a 10

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