
Over 100 Billions dollars lost per year In the U.S. from people not getting medical care, what should be done?

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Over 100 Billions dollars lost per year In the U.S. from people not getting medical care, what should be done?




  1. According to the Republicans, nothing. So lets just keep it that way.

  2. If this number is accurate (you don't provide any source), maybe people should petition their local and state governments to address it.

  3. Each for himself, it's the new form of patriotism ... don't you know?  Let them die.

    /sarcasm off.

  4. can you of they

  5. Well, how about you whine to your democratically controlled congress ?

    They don't do their jobs, when i session they have been doing so much important work like naming post offices, or honoring the memmory of different individuals like Muhammad Ali....but where's the help for the citizens ?

    They spend $900 Billion on the Farm bill, Bear & Stearns Bail out and the morgage bail out, off of which is not necessary in the free market and give aways. That's our tax dollar getting wasted folks.

    And those are just 3 items that wasted almost 1 Trillion dollars. So where are you anti war whining freaks now ? why aren't you pitching a Big B**CH over this liberally infested and corrupt body of government that doesn't want to listen to the voters, doesn't want to actually solve any problems, has spend most of their efforts doing little to nothing whlie undermining the president and stopping him from trying to do things ?

  6. Citizen Currency plus volunteer trainers at medical work shops at colleges or Universities. Free Clinics like those of The Black Panthers in The 1970's.  Trades Currency ATMS  plus medical instructions posted everywhere in towns .

    If answer pleases.   Citizen currency made by laser printer and computer imaging or laser three dee holo techniques. CGI like in movies maybe.

  7. Hmmm how about we creat yet another wasteful and corrupted government program that will siphon off billions of more dollars from the economy.  After all we all know how efficient Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, Food Stamp Programs are, we also know that there in NEVER ANY fraud in those programs.  Plus we already know based on past performance of all other Government programs that quality of Govt provided health care would be top notch right ?

    The folks that demand a Government Health Care program are the same ones who don't beleive we should deport illegals or address the fraud and waste in Government spending.

    Find away to deal with the problem without penalizing me for already having healthcare and without raising my taxes and I'll consider supporting it.

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