
Over 18 and not registered to vote? Why the h**l Not?

by  |  earlier

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People want things to change yet so many people aren't registered to vote. It takes less time to vote than it does to sign up for an e-mail account on Yahoo.




  1. Funny story. I tried to register two times last year but never got any confirmation. I went to vote in November and my name was not on the rolls. I did a provisional ballot but I doubt they counted it.

    I sincerely doubt there were any malicious reasons that my registration didn't go through, beyond a sluggish registration system that inadvertently discriminates against young people who moved within the last year. I certainly wasn't the only one with a provisional ballot that night.

    So before you imply laziness, realize that the voting system is not as easy as you claim.

  2. People don't vote because there is nothing significant happening in the country right now. In the middle east the percentage of voters is really high because they want change. Since nothing that bad is happening people are comfortable with their lives and they don't vote.

    When I'm 18 I'm going to vote for sure though. it's my right, and I'm going to use it before it's taken away.

  3. because they're *stupid* haha...or lazy...

    or honestly don't care...

    i'm only 15...i wanna vote lol

  4. Most people don't vote because the two parties are pretty much the same.  Plus unless you are in a battleground state your vote won't matter.  And elections are often rigged anyway.

  5. Well Bush wasn't elected he was selected. Some people feel that their vote doesn't matter for that reason alone. Not to mention that George Bush and John Kerry had such close ties. That election didn't have to parties it had two factions. So no matter who we "voted" in we were getting the same agenda. Money rules this country through centralized banking. The last president that tried to change that was J.F.K. Enough said. Plenty of people will see this as false but then again they do not report these things in mainstream media. So it isn't common knowledge.

    I will vote again when there is a candidate that shares my views both politically and in general. Until then I can't see a point in voting for the lesser of two evils.

  6. Ummm...because I live in Wisconsin and we don't have to register until we vote.  So there you go.....

  7. People don't care.  Politicians are a bunch of lying idiots.  They say what people want to hear during the elections and once they're in office do what they want.  I am registered to vote, but I definitely know why people don't.

  8. Registering and voting only take moments but actually researching the candidates to see if their overall views closely match your own takes considerably more time.

    Let's not simply vote by soundbites and campaign promises. The candidate's voting records clearly show where they stand and their true agendas. Here is the link to a relatively non-partisan site comparing all the candidates on a wide array of issues.

  9. Why should anyone get out of their bed, just to vote? Most politicians are bald middle age men lol

  10. Kids are dumb and then they grow up and learn that their vote counts. Although I've voted in every election It took me until my second election to realize what the h**l was really going on.

  11. Register to vote and Vote, Vote, Vote. Every vote counts!!!

  12. it does not make a different if you vote or not.

  13. you didn't sign up

  14. If you don't vote, you don't have a right to complain.   That's what I've always heard anyway.

  15. At 18, I was pretty happy with things. It was the least of my concerns then.

    Getting paid, school and ME was the more important thing then.

    Also teens are very skeptical of the government and think it's corrupt, old white guys. When were older, we realize, yes, they are corrupt, old white guys, but we can 'fire' them with our votes.

  16. I agree...Some people complain and complain yet they dont go out to the polls. If you want something to change get off your butt and try to change it.

  17. u arent in america

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