
Over 200 deaths at Isle of Mann TT? Is that true??? Any famous riders die?

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...and if so, why hasnt anything been done? If it was GP or F1 or any other racing league, an immediate halt would be placed until safety issues resolved.




  1. i am not sure of the exact number but there have been alot.

    because of this many famous riders wont race this. there have been many changes to coarse to make it safer. the reason it is not stopped is because it is an independent race not sactioned.i found this on wikipeida (The TT races are extremely dangerous because of the high speeds on very narrow, twisting streets, roads and lanes flanked by stone walls and even buildings. Between 1907 and 2007 there have been 224 deaths, all happened during official practices or races on the Snaefell mountain course)

  2. Hey Jamie

    Things have been done - safety measures improve every year, and so does the standard of riders (usually)

    But this is road racing and roads have more challenges than tracks (such as walls, hedges, drain covers, adverse camber) then add in the mountain section with wind, fog, rain etc. and you may start to realise why in it's long [100 years] and glorious history it has claimed so many lives.

    It's why so many people consider it the pinnacle of bike racing and want to be involved. Not just the top boys like Mc Guinness and Anstey who are fully sponsored and doing 200 mph around roads most people couldn't u-turn in, but the privateers who work and save all year to get the opportunity to run their rides there - and don't forget the nutters who do that with a flippin' sidecar!!

  3. Yeah 200 sounds a little short to me.

    You ask why anything has not been done? It has.

    Dont forget this is a road. Not a race track.

    For the other 48 weeks of the year, ( Manx TT as well ) this is just a normal road that you can drive a Ford Escort down or ride a Hayabusa on!

    The TT will never change. The only thing that has stopped the races was foot and mouth, and even that was just for one year.

    I agree the death toll is tragic, but it will only get higher as the bikes gets faster.

    If you want a great week off work in June I recommend it. Book early though !!

  4. It is for the brave and skillfull. It has history and heritage. Stan Woods and Geoff Duke, Hailwood and Agostini, Anstey and McGuiness and of course Joey Dunlop became heroes there for many of us.

    Oh and Slippery Sam

    And many famous riders have met their fate on that most challenging of circuits. It would be most callous of me to mention any names.

    You really have to go one year just to see it, you will come away with the greatest admiration for anyone who rides that circuit at racing speeds and yes that includes the nutters on sidecars.

    Anything done about it you ask, yeah they took it out of the G.P. World Championship !

  5. Do not get me started on this! Are you trying to encourage Govenrnment interference? Yes the TT is dangerous but every single racer enters every year knowing the risks. About 100,000 die a premature death every year in the UK through smoking, yet it is still legal. I am not devaluing the lives of the riders who have died on the Isle Of Man but they went into it with their eyes open. People who want to control other lives like you suggest just make me sad, more are killed in bathroom and kitchen accidents so what should be done about that?

    You should be VERY careful what you wish for.

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