
Over I8's Opinion please?

by  |  earlier

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@SR13 I'm glad you like your night time fun , like you do. But like myself alot of people they to add toys and costumes for that added bit of fun and excitment. Or even for the adventure of trying something new.




  1. There isnt really a reason why i wouldn't buy from there, however, the fact i can only pay by cheque/postal order might put me off a bit.

  2. I wouldn't buy from anywhere online where you can only pay by check or money order/

  3. no idea looks ok to me. as someone already said it a bit dear but otherwise looks fine

  4. Is this a trick question? Its a pretty standard looking online s*x shop. I've seen cheaper, but I'm guessing that's not what you're getting at.

  5. Does this question mean that you are under 18 if so dont be a brat in wasting your time in s*x stuff

  6. Because I have better things to spend my money on then s*x toys. Each to their own but the amount of time each day I spend having s*x doesn't really require much investment in equipment for it. I'd rather buy other things which keep me occupied and then just go for the basics at the end of the day....It's not like s*x is that unpleasurable without owning a vast array of vibrating toys and costumes.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to sound as though it's wrong to enjoy those things. Just thought I'd put in my own reasoning to why I don't buy them. I understand that other people may enjoy them to spice up their s*x lives.

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