
Over all, do think that the global warming theory is losing steam?

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and do you think that the media is starting to turn against this line of thought.




  1. I think people are starting to focus on real problems not an overblown disaster theory. People still believe it, but that will erode with time.  

  2. Yes.   Of course.   Otherwise they wouldn't have changed it to "climate change."

  3. Of course not. Man-made global warming is not a "theory." It's proven fact. There is no "debate" (the ignorant yapping of so-called "skeptics" does not constitute a debate).

  4. People are focused on other things right now, so yeah i guess you could say that its "loosing its steam"



  5. The theory itself - no, it gets stronger all the time as more research is done and we learn more about the planet's climate.

    Public acceptance of the theory - yes, polls have shown that over the past year it has eroded slightly.  The campaign of misinformation has been somewhat successful in this regard.  

    I don't think the media is doing anything differently than it always has.  Many media outlets try to be "fair and balanced" and give both sides equal air time, which is actually unbalanced.  Many right-wing media outlets and blogs just flat-out distort the facts.  But this has always been the case.

  6. Well lets look at how well the IPCC's theory and their model predictions are stacking up:

    After over 30 years of looking they still havent found any evidence of global warming (a hot spot in the troposphere which is the signature for co2 causing warming)

    Sea levels have been falling recently, which is unusual given they have been rising at a constant rate pretty much for the last 10,000 years regardless of global temp.

    The warming stopped after 1998 and recently global temps have been falling quite rapidly.

    The hockey stick graph used by the IPCC and Al Gore was discredited as being forced to show a predetermined rise in temp.

    It has been shown that ice cores are not reliable as the ice absorbs co2.

    Stomatal data shows co2 has been higher than today in the past without human influence.

    The IPCC admitted to removing statements from the IPCC science report that stated there is no proof of humans contributing to global warming.

    Stephen Schneider, one of the leaders of the IPCC was quoted in Discover magazine saying "Each of us has to

    decide the right balance between being effective (in scaring people to act), and being honest.”

    All the model projections are out so far, the all over predict current temps.

    Studies in america and germany have shown no change or a fall in extreme weather.

    Salinity in Australia is falling, rainfall is increasing (overall trend).

    Extreme hurricane numbers are decreasing due to increased wind shear. (though there are many other factors in hurricane creation)

    Sea level hasnt risen 1m as was originally predicted by the IPCC (they have since reduced the predicted figure with each report, and now they are just higher than the natural rate over the last 10,000years).

    Mounting evidence is showing the sun is a much more important driver of temperature than was previosuly thought, as well as other factors like the mass of the solar system effecting day length.

    Warming has been observed on other planets in the solar system at the same time as earth - I doubt co2 is doing that!

    With retreating glaciers in switzerland they are finding more evidence it was much wamer in the past, they are now realising the people usied to live high in the alps where glaciers now exist from 4500 BC to the bronze age and they where crossed by the romans.

    The IPCC's predictions of extreme weather contradict basic meteological principles, observed data, and historic evidence.

    So to sum it up, there is mounting evidence against, and now evidence for yet, only a theory which is failing.

    Hence why you can see there is uncertainty, there are now increasing reports of global cooling, the media will enevitably start to report these as people lose interest in AGW which is attributed to every flood or dead polar bear nowadays without justification. Just look at the articles about metling sea ice in the north pole, they fail to mention is caused by changes to sea current urelated to global temp (plus its cooling!).

    The media will always report whats news, AGW isnt news anymore but global cooling, that is news and it has far worse implications for man when compared to the benefits of warming.

    An example of how the AGW supporters are getting desperate, this following article was posted on a pro AGW site as evdience of global warming:

    The article shows it has been much warmer in the past without man made co2, it attributes this warm period to solar activity and solar mass, and even gos as far as to say cooling may have helped end the romans (who had been benefitting from the mild weather, reduced death rate and increased food production of warmer weather). How is this evidence? It contradicts the hockey stick graph, shows man made co2 doesnt drive the climate, the sun is a key driver of climate and that warm periods are beneficial!

    Judging by the amount of web activity against AGW it could be the end of the theory, I just hope it comes before the economy is crippled from carbon taxes and before the exit date for Kyoto or we are screwed for the next 25 years as we try and meet impossible to meet co2 reduction targets.

    And I really hope the cooling ends, another little iceage will make life very hard for everyone.

  7. Global warming, is being included as a real issue in the party platforms of both Republicans and Democrats for the presidential election.

    A quick google news search found 45 pages of links in just the last day and 2 pages of links for just the last hour.  To suggest it's "losing steam" is to deny reality.

  8. No! It is still quite alive. The theory is still as serious as it was; maybe its growing. However; the efforts to prevent are currently lowering; unfortunately. People are distracted but we need to take more action and sooner!!!

  9. No I think the scientists are still as concerned, however I do think that the public is starting to get bored with it.

  10. Yes, the theory of global warming was never a good one to begin with.  But it doesn't really matter to the greenies...they've made lots of money over it.  I saw Al Gore on CNN tonight, and he looks like he's personally eaten most of the profits.  

  11. The state of California is tackling the problem with the full weight of all of its agencies and adjoining states.  And they're not alone.  Eight-hundred fifty mayors have signed an initiative, NYC has stepped up in a big way, and that's just a drop in the bucket of support -- financial and otherwise -- of global climate change.

  12. The global warming or climate change theory is still in a state of substantiating. The media is turning to popularising or downplaying it, to suit governments struggle to balance individual issue of economical developments. The media releases arrays of informations to support its growth of readership as long as they are factual and within freedom of speech/press.

  13. The media is distorting the science.

  14. no. its still there.

  15. 'Kay I'm going to try to be as unbiased as possible:

    It isn't the theory that is losing steam. it is actually very much alive if you look at the # of people who believe it's true, without looking at the people who argue the theory.

    What's losing steam are the efforts to stop global warming, if you believe it's real.  Media tends to lean towards stopping global warming and therefore stating that its true.

  16. Yes, it finally is, this old earth has always had climate change from the beginning, and people are finally seeing the light that all this hype leads to more taxes. like all agenda's of this kind.

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