
Over crowded room!!?

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My room is large,

but it PACKED full with furniture

which makes it look smaller

I have 3 large chests of drawers, a big single bed, a wardrobe, 2 bedside tables, another set of bigger drawerrs, a bookcase, and a HUGE set of shelves, I dont know what to do, because my room has alot of stuff in it and I'm worried if I throw some furniture away, I will have too much stuff and not enough room, recently i threw away 9 bin bags of charity donations and yet still i have too much





  1. be ruthless.

    and put stuff in the attic.

  2. can't you transfer some of your furniture and stuffs on other rooms if you have?

    think about first what stuffs do you really need and which ones you can give away or sell. Organize your things properly so you can maximize the use of those shelves and drawers.

  3. 2 bedside tables are unnecessary...1 will do.  You can use the shelves for clothing and throw away one of your 4 chests/drawers.  There are many things you can do...just think and be creative.

  4. Urm....

    Cash in on the credit crunch and upsize.

    Rent one of those storage lockers to keep all of your c**p in.

    Put it all in three 6 cubic yard skips.

    Find a nice builder boyfriend who'll build you a mezzanine floor.

  5. Ok.  Lets go through each piece of furniture one by one:

    - 3 large chests of drawers.  What is actually in them?  Do you have a tendency to not throw out junk?  If it is clothes, sort through them all.  Put in a pile things that do not fit or that you NEVER wear or would even want to wear.  In another pile, put out of season clothes.  In another, clothes that belong in your wardrobe, and another for bed clothes and bumming around clothes.  Keep those that you are keeping piles to the side and I'll get back to them when I get to the bed and wardrobe.  Maybe it's knick knacks and other worthless junk.  Dispose of the worthless junk or donate anything that could be of good use.  Keep only what you need.  If you want, put some stuff in a bin to place on the bottom of the wardrobe.  Maybe the drawers are full of photos and papers.  Put any loose photos in an album then put the album in a drawer.  Throw out any useless papers with no importance.  Separate the other papers into piles and maybe get a filing bin.  A filing bin will totally help you get organized.  Put the bin on the floor of the wardrobe and only take it out to add.  After all of this sorting, you should have in narrowed down to one, possibly two chests.  Sell the left over furniture in a yard sale along with anything you don't want.

    - A big single bed.  Sell it, donate it, just get rid of it.  Buy a new one with drawers on the bottom.  But your bed clothes and bumming around clothes in there.  But some small stuffed toys or knick knacks in if extra room.  You just eliminated a worthless piece of furniture.

    - A Wardrobe.  Is this because you lack a real closet?  If you have a closet, use that instead.  Otherwise, sort through all of the clothes.  Sell or donate any clothes too small or that you don't need or want.  Put all of the out of season clothes in a bin or bag and store those in the bottom of the wardrobe.  Buy one of those closet organizers.  Put all of your hand bags and shoes and possibly jewelry in there.  

    - 2 Bedside tables.  Why do you need two?  What can possibly be so important to take up so much space?  Go through both tables and try to throw out or sell half from each or one whole.  Narrow it down so you only have one.  Sell the extra table.

    - Another set of bigger drawers.  Sort through all of those like you did for the first set of drawers.  Sell, donate or dispose will be your motto.  Give up that pack rat habit!  If anything else needs to be filed, file it.  Organize the clothes and knick knacks.  Sell the empty furniture.

    - A bookcase.  Are there books on the bookcase?  Donate or sell any books that are too young for you or that you never read.  If you want to save the little kid books for kids you might have someday, but them in a box and put them on the floor of your wardrobe.  Remember, libraries do exist.  You don't need to have one in your bedroom.

    - And a HUGE set of shelves.  What can possibly be on them thats so important?  Remember, you don't need to display every medal or trophy you have ever won.  Put some in a bin into your wardrobe.  Keep some photos out or whatever else you have.  Put everything else into storage.  Try to set a goal of how many shelves you want taken down and clean them up.  Sell or put into storage the extra shelves.

    Then there you have it.  A moderatly fill bedroom.  You go from 3 large chests, to hopefully 1.  A big bed, to one with storage.  A wardrobe stuffed, to a wardrobe cleaned.  2 bedside tables to 1.  Another set of drawers, to less.  A stuffed bookcase, to roomy bookcase.   A HUGE set or shelves, to losing a few.  You can do it!  Set goals and strive to clean you room.  Good luck!!!

  6. Well your probably holding on to thing you don't use anymore. donate those.

    see if some of ur items you could put somewhere else in the house..

    Try moving things around and try to organize your room.

    and well do u really need that many chest and drawers and two bedside tables?

    Put your clothes in your wardrobe and organize it . put things on the shelves and try to fit most on there.

    put some stuff  on the bookcase and try getting bins that u could put under your bed and keep things there that  you dont really uses that often but want to hold  on too.Stay organized and try moving the furniture in your room around.throw away the rest of ur furniture or give away

    good luck hope this helps!

  7. you need to downsize more, do you really need all the clothes/stuff?

    does any of this furniture match?

    a freind of mine had a similar situation, she had a queen sized bed, 3 dressers/chests (none of which matched) 2 nightstands, a desk, blah blah blah . It was a nightmare! No one wanted to even go in there for fear of being lost! It also makes it impossible to keep clean, ick!

    find a book or articles online about living minimally, all that clutter really bogs you down!

  8. I would try to stack your furniture before getting rid of anything- can you put any of the drawers on top of another set?  Also, you can try putting a chest in the closet as well.  In my last house, I hung my bookcase horizontally over my closet and used it to store things I wasn't using at the moment- it was really convenient!  Otherwise, I would think about storing or getting rid of some more stuff...

    For more ideas, check out the Qualified Interior Designers site.  It has some great articles and resources!

  9. .......get rid off some stuff!!?

  10. what you need to ask youself is, "what are you holding on to?"

    Pick one the nicest of all the furniture (ONE dresser, wardrobe, and shelves) then suck it up and make it work.
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