
Over employed and under paid since 2002. Brought into notice of seniors. Now victimised by way of allegations.

by  |  earlier

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I took over higher responsibility to comply verbal order of seniors after an interview by GM & DGM. Contineously over employed and under paid since 2002. I insist repeatedly to release relevant compensate however not paid yet. Matter brought into the notice of management also. Faced humiliations, harasshments also reported to seniors in person and in writing. Now victimised by way of allegations of indiscpline. All these allegation are fabricated & incorrect. Not allowing to join duty since 15-Oct-2007. There is unfair and one sided inquiry proceeding. Inquiry officer is denying to receive document manipulating statements. Not providing copy of stored statements, pressurising to sign their statements and papers. Denying to confirm my presence. Denying to reimburse me traveling expenses to attend enquiry proceedings. Medical hospitalisation bills submitted during july'2007 not paid so far despite of repeated requests. Salary/Substance allowance not paid since Sept'2007.




  1. doesn't sound good but what are you asking y!a to do for you

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