
Over protective brother added me on Facebook?

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My brother is much older than me and has always acted like more of a dad than a brother to me. I don't get to see him very often, but when I do he always seems to intrude into my privacy.

Anyways he added me on Facebook and naturally I am very skeptical to accept it. He called me and left a voice message saying I better add him "or else". I know he will just snoop around my page and I would have to monitor everything on it because of him. I don't want to deal with that but I feel obligated to add him because he is my brother. So should I accept? He would get very angry if I didn't, so how should I plan it if I don't? I can't say it is just a friends thing because I am friends with my sister on it.




  1. say yes then make a new account and tell all your friends

    but dont tell your brother

  2. You should add him. Otherwise, he will have another reason to snoop around, thinking that you are using your facebook for other purposes. Just add him, and watch what you do.

  3. jus add him  

  4. brothers and sisters can be over protective sometimes , just tell him that the reason you added your sister and not him was because she dosent go around your page checking up on you , and say its freaking you out because i dont want someone watching my back all the time and say that your grown up and can be by yourself .

    hope i helped :)


  5. if youre not doing anything bad what does it matter???....i have my mom (and brothers and sisters....which its the only way that i talk to my brother who lives in another state) on my myspace page...(im 19 and live on my own now but i got it when i was like 16)...and its never been a problem because i dont say or put things up that are inappropitate....

  6. You could always set him to limited profile.  Or tell him "No, you make me uncomfortable and how DARE you threaten me.  I'm your sister.  You are not my father and stop acting like it."  Don't budge and hold your ground.  He has no authority over you and has no justification for his actions.

  7. You can always add him as a limited account. And maybe you should try and confront him. But I dunno if he'd back off that easily...

  8. Get a new Facebook and add all your friends. Then accept your older brother on your old Facebook. Just tell your friends not to leave messed up messages or whatever on your older Facebook account. Good luck.

  9. You do not have to add him. You should be able to have your own life and parts of it can be kept private from him.

    If you don't accept him, just call him and tell him. I love you but your too nosey, try to joke with him if possible. I have 5 brothers. I know where you are coming from.  

  10. Add him. If it makes you be more careful about what you say, that's a good thing. The internet can be a scary place and making you think before you post could save you embarrassment.I think it's great that you have such a caring protective brother. Having a good male role model is important for girls. When the men in your life respect you and treat you right you will expect your future husband to do the same. This weeds out the wrong ones.

  11. add him....its much better to be over protective than not to give a d**n....

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