
Over the counter genital warts treatment?

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I think I have genital warts.

What is the best over the counter genital warts treatment ?

I've heard that if you go to doctor he/she freezes them off but they come back after some time.

So again : which is the best over the counter genital warts treatment ?

Thanks all for your answers!




  1. They are usually either cauterised or burnt off using specific wart paint. Because of the delicate nature of the area this is usually dealt with by a specialist, rather than a GP.  Self management of this type of wart is NEVER recommended. Depending on the access in you area this might involve a gynaecologist, a dermatologist or a venerologist. There is always an argument for the venerologist being the better choice as there is a moderate risk that more than one STI has been contracted at the same time, and a full STI screen should thus be carried out anyway.

  2. you cant get anything over the counter. You need to go to a GUM clinic sorry

  3. Actually there is a good way to get rid of genital warts at home

    This method has helped me and many others ...

    Now I am free of Genital warts for about 6 months already !

    So check this method out, go to :

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