
Over the course of the past 40 years, do you believe feminism has helped or hurt american society?

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Over the course of the past 40 years, do you believe feminism has helped or hurt american society?




  1. I think in the last 10 or so, it isn't doing much good, but over the last 40 it has absolutely helped.  One of the defining characteristics of an advanced nation is the liberation of women.  Without that liberation, half of your work force talent is not utilized.

  2. i say help, because the problem is people who vote based purely on what party they are with, and people who dont read the issues. Most women i know, know more about the issues than the men i know.

    This is coming from a man.


    I do assume when you say feminism, we are talking about the womens right activist and the women who have been trying to get women on the same playing field. Not the women who are wanting the same old treatment along with being "equal" and then suing people for things.

    Real feminism is about becoming equals, and empowering women to live the lives that men normally live and not be bound by social constants. Women who take advantage of our society and morals to make it ahead aren't feminists, they are just... bad people.

  3. I don't think it has hurt or helped.  I recently took a woman's history class and I must say women are still awful angry about things that happened long long ago to other people so I don't see the radical feminists ever helping society..

  4. It's all Liberalism, which is the scourge of the planet. It all goes hand in hand and it has devastated this country. Liberalism is why our kids think that "grand theft auto" is "cool", Liberalism is why people think a child is a "choice", Liberalism is invested in the defeat of all the things that made this country great.

  5. Hurt!  Woman used to lean on and push their men to do the right things like make a living or moral values .  now the govt , at the taxpayers expense,  will raise their children, pay their rent , buy their groceries, give them spending money, pay their drug habits,  and even pay for their new boy toy for a week or two.   Until they have their next kid, then the money goes up.    All in the name of feminism.  This is going to hurt!

  6. Hurt. Its gotten stupid. My wife says and i quote "is ashamed of the feminist movement. they give women a bad name", but hey im a guy what do i know.

    All for equal rights, but its gotten redicilous (sp) Who cares iif the sign says men at work

  7. Feminism is like a racism.

    How can it help the society?

  8. That depends;Hillary Clinton: helped, Michelle Obama: hurt. Michelle Bernard: helped, Ann Coulter, Rachel Maddow and Ellen Degeneres: hurt. Condoleeza Rice: helped, Nancy Pelosi: hurt.  

  9. Both.

    Despite all of the well-deserved gains that women have made in a formerly male dominated society, I think that the feminist movement has had an overall negative.

    Wherever there is a husband and wife, with children, both working in pursuit of materialism rather than because of need, there are also  children sitting in daycare centers unnecessarily becoming institutionalized.

    And too often, sadly, this is the reality in contemporary America.


  10. Feminism has hurt the average woman.

  11. every change is as for some,but the majority overview benefits redirect consternation.

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