
Over the last couple of years tiny toadstools have appeared in my lawn; what could be the reason?

by Guest33671  |  earlier

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As I look at my lawn they are gradually increasing in number over the last couple of years.




  1. Has someone taken down a large tree nearby?

    If there are rotting roots under the lawn, that could be doing it.

  2. Sh*gging on the lawn - Dirty !!!!  

  3. Spores from the toadstools picked up in the wind and on birds feathers -

    Just dig them out with a small fork before they spore as well

  4. toadstools /fairy rings can be eradicated by top dressing the lawn with a high nitrogen fertiliser .It makes the grass grow but toad stools cant handle it  

  5. hippies!


  7. Leprechaun refugee camp. Innocent victims of the ruthless rebel Hobbit uprising.

  8. they might be mushrooms,do they disappear again later on in the day?

  9. Reason? Well the spores just came on the wind and as they grow they put more out...of course. Like seeds.

  10. fairies?

  11. Decaying organic matter [ grass cutting, old grass etc] under the lawn is basically the cause of the problem  which then materialise on the lawn's surface. As with flowers, the toadstools go on to produce spores which act as seeds, but can easily be blown by the wind to other parts of the garden. In most other parts of the garden, the new toadstools which will then appear the following year or so are not a problem, for they are often hidden beneath the cover of shrubs or other garden plants. [ They prefer darker dampish places] They can carry on their good (essential) work relatively unnoticed and not create a panic.

    The lawn toadstool is not harming the lawn at all.

    The toadstools normally appear in damp periods - and lets face it, it has been very damp this year

    Toadstools do not harm the lawn (unless they are forming fairy Rings). The bad news is, that there are no chemical treatments that will 'cure' the toadstools - which are often referred to as mushrooms, but they are NOT the normal edible mushrooms of the kitchen.


    Simply brush off the toadstools as and when they appear, to prevent them from producing spores (seeds) which will settle in other parts of the garden and produce yet more toadstool growths eventually. They cannot be dug out; they cannot be killed chemically; basically they do no harm.

    Regular scarifying of the lawn will prevent the thatch that they thrive on. And before laying a new lawn, try to dig out any old dead tree roots (A difficult if not impossible task!)

    Whilst these toadstools in the lawn are not harmful to the grass, they could be poisonous if eaten - so don't!

  12. I had the same problem. I just picked them out as soon as I noticed them.

  13. To much water.

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